Saturday, June 28, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One key part of being successful in article marketing is having somewhere for your readers to go once they've read your article. The link included in your resource box is one of the most valuable parts of the article marketing process because it brings you all the benefits everyone craves:

  • more subscribers

  • more traffic to Web sites and blogs

  • higher sales of products and services

  • influence and respect in chosen industry/niche

That is all great, but if you don't have a link at the bottom of your article where people can find out more about you there's really no point in writing and distributing the article at all.

In fact, this one key element having a Web site is a major barrier to some people who want to gain access to all the great benefits of article marketing but just don't have the time, money or expertise to publish their own Web site.

I found a solution to this problem and it's one of the easiest and most hassle-free ways I've found to implement the last piece in the article marketing puzzle.

*** Create a blog. ***

You can use the URL or web link, from the blog you create and put it into your articles. This is actually better than a normal Web site because people can leave comments on your blog. This shows that people are engaged and interested in what you're saying and offering.

It is very easy to do. And it costs you absolutely nothing.

  1. Visit I've used this service to create several blogs and it's always been a hassle-free experience for me. Each year they make the service easier and easier to use.

  2. Follow their steps for creating a no-cost account on their service. Blogger makes it very easy to create one of these. All you really need to do is just follow the steps they tell you and you're done. You don't need a programmer or a techie person to help you out with this one.

  3. Enter information about your business in the blog. I suggest posting short, informative pieces of information about you and your business. I call them mini-article. You can also post your full articles on the site as well. If you have a large group of articles like I do, you may want too space out those articles and only post a few a week.

  4. Place the URL from the blog you just created in the resource box that you include in each of your articles. OK, if you're wondering what a URL is, it's very simple. It's the Web address that will give you for your site.

After completing these easy steps you'll have no barriers to entering article marketing.

Let's review:

Here's what you put in:

  • writing an article

  • distributing to article directories

  • creating a blog for link-backs

    • Cumulative cost: $0

Here's what you get out:

  • larger list of subscribers

  • more influence in your industry

  • more visitors and comments on your blog

    • Value: Priceless

Keep in mind: Blogs are better because they allow others to say how great your articles are. When new visitors come to your site they'll be influenced by previous comments and leave good words of their own. Once you have this set up you'll be able to concentrate fully on writing info-packed articles that truly benefit your target audience/niche.

This isn't a commercial for, but it really is the easiest way to set up a blog. If you want to try out a few other services consider:

I use Word Press for one of my other blogs and I like them, too. I did need a bit of help setting this one up. But in the end it was well worth it. See for yourself:

Lisa Sparks is a veteran of the article marketing world, having published several hundred articles and authored an acclaimed book on the subject entitled, Power Words. Her follow-up to that book, Article Secrets Revealed is now a step-by-step home study course. Visit for more details.


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