Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) article writing and submission techniques are creating millionaires every day. When you understand the methodology necessary to gain first-page natural rankings on the major search engines without pay-per-click advertising campaigns, then you are in a position to advance your operations to a point of ecstatic, self-duplicating bliss. The time spent practicing and perfecting these techniques will be well-traded. There will be no regrets when you consistently see your product or service listed on top of your competition's, especially when you know that you didn't spend a penny! Sound too good to be true? Read on...

NEWSFLASH! You don't have to be a great writer to create, submit and benefit from niche-specific articles. OK, you can't get by with absolutely no skills either. However, the good news is that skills can be learned. There are a lot of similarities presented by the words "learn" and "earn" besides their respective spellings. You can learn to write, but it will cost you some effort and time. At first, it will probably be very frustrating. There really isn't much in life worth learning that doesn't seem that way from time to time. Persevere! Dedicate yourself to a goal. Keep directing your energy even when - no, especially when - it seems to be going nowhere. That's how you get good.

There are many different, yet correct ways to become an effective writer. Here are some surefire steps to take. These actions will lead you quickly down the roads to writing confidence and efficiency.

If you want to become a writer, then READ! Read everything that you see. Read street signs and highway mileposts. Read the tag stuck to the bottom of your chair. Let there be nothing that passes in front of your eyes with written words that does not get read. By doing so, you begin to incorporate a writer's mentality in your own headspace. Just start reading.

If you want to become a writer, then WRITE! It doesn't develop through reading alone. You can't wish your skills to increase magically with any degree of realistic expectation. Like a student of Yoga attempting a new and challenging asana, you will not get it right the first time - or the second - or the third. You will unknowingly be improving. Through repetition and diligence, you will gain ground. You will identify your strengths and weaknesses. You will become a writer.

You need to learn to write in the same manner that you speak to your friends. Imagine that you are addressing your best friend when you are writing. In most cases, this will produce easy-reading, smooth-flowing informative masterpieces of modern communication. Your readers will eat it up!

Take the time to carefully read every single article that you ever assign your name to. Computers do not forget things well. Establish your online reputation with quality and forethought. Proofread, edit and pamper your documents. Make sure that you don't publish spelling, grammar and/or sentence structure errors.

Inform and semi-entertain your readers. Don't bore them, but don't waste their time trying to over-entertain them. Make your argument. Solidify your presentation. Don't bounce around between topics. Your article should read like an organized, informative vehicle of clear communication.

Do not use the word "I". Other words to avoid include "thing(s)", "ain't", "gonna" and the like. You need to give thought to each and every word that you present. The overall effect of polished professionalism will not be reached otherwise. That's what polished means.

Don't try to be fancy, but don't come off as too common. Talk like you would to your best friend provided that he isn't mentally challenged.

There are certainly a lot of lessons of writing that are not presented here. What is here though is more than enough to project a novice onto an intermediate plane of prose. Take your time and give your time. Take it learning. Give it freely. As with every challenge in life, writing skills can be developed with continued effort. Realize the potential for business. Read. Write. Hone your art. Form perfection. Thought given and time passing will yield your increased scribing power.

Alan M Roberts is a full time freelance writer and web developer. He is always available for consultation through his web site at http://www.10-4Life.com Visit him there often and find reasons to live!

Check out my perfectly-rated Guru profile here: http://profile.guru.com/892849

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