Friday, July 4, 2008

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

I get asked this question a lot, and it's really very simple. But first before we dive into that I want to share some of my experiences and tricks that are going to help you understand the opt-in process in finer detail.

Do you think it's better to have 1000 opt-ins, or 100,000 opt-ins? What if I told you the numbers don't matter here. What if I told you that, if done correctly, you could make more sales off a list 1/10th the size of a major internet marketers list? Well let me tell you that it's incredibly easy. The bottom line is, you're looking for quality over quantity.

So how can I get more QUALITY opt-ins?

There are a few techniques that you can implement almost immediately to boost the quality of your list. First off, you want to filter out what I like to call "Freebies". These are the people who will enter in their email and name, just to get your free offer (if you're offering a free product to your prospects when they opt-in to your list) and you will never hear from them again. In fact, they may enter in a fake name and email, which really kills the quality of your list.

Tip #1 - Make sure you're list is DOUBLE opt-in!

I can't stress this enough. Most "freebies" won't take the time to confirm their subscription through an email link, so having your list double opt-in you're retaining more quality prospects that are actually interested in what you have to offer. A trick I learned from a marketing friend of mine, Brian Edmonson gave an example where he offered a free download, but you didn't have to opt-in to get it. By having the opt-in AFTER the free download, he retained more quality prospects because the only people signing up after the download we're either really interested in his product or service, or enjoyed the fact that they weren't forced into signing up and liked his genuine offer. Brian is famous for earning 15k in 7 days by promoting a new product launch to his list of only 1200 subscribers!

Tip #2 - Create curiosity through a landing page.

Your landing page is the portal to you're website. There is only 1 way though, by opting in! A landing page is key for getting lots of opt-ins. Yours should be short and mysterious in a sense by not giving the prospect too much information. You need to create a sense of urgency, a sense of 'I need to know what's on the other side of this site or my life is over!' type of urgency. I love to use video on my landing page, sometimes if the video is powerful enough, all I'll have on my landing page is a video and an opt in form! (check out my website for an example of a video landing page) The trick is to limit the number of things a user can do on a landing page. They're either going to watch the video and leave, or they're going to watch the video and opt in. There are no other choices for them to make. You can save all the information in the world for the next page, but your goal is to GET THOSE OPT-INS! THAT'S IT! Because once they're in your system, you and your autoresponder can take care of them. The more quality opt-ins you have, the more money you're going to make.

Tip #3 - Create a relationship between you and your list.

It may sound kind of cheesy, but don't ignore your list. This is your goldmine. Ignoring even a single opt-in could cost you thousands in the long run. If they don't hear from you for a month, and you all of a sudden send out an e-mail to your list promoting a product or service, first off they're going to be like 'who's this guy?' and then they'll most likely not take a look at your offer, and maybe even opt-out. Converse with them on a one-on-one basis, let them know how you're business is doing, ask them how their endeavors are going, let them know what you did on the weekend, anything to keep that bond alive. Because if they respect you, and you respect them, and treat them like people and not customers, then you're going to have a very active list. By active I mean they're going to listen to every word you say, and every offer you have to make.

Tip #4 - Promote relative products or services.

If your list consists of fellow internet marketers, don't send out an email offering them debt consolidation or Mary Kay products, you'll lose your entire audience. If you do find something that you find is useful and beneficial to the business you are in, then let your list know.

If you create a high quality, highly responsive double opt-in list, you're going to make more off each individual user than if you were to have a list 100x that of yours. Your going to have more repeat buyers if you don't try to SELL SELL SELL. Keep in touch with them, don't leave them hanging and always follow up. Everyone says the money is in the list...did you hear that? Let me repeat it. THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST!

Jay Milley

The 6 Figure Formula


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