Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article Marketing is a great way to create a massive presence on the internet. Each and every article that you write and submit to EzineArticles and other directories becomes just one more article agent working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the internet.

So let me ask you a question. What happens when you type your name into Google or Yahoo? Are there pages of results with your name and information available? Or just a few?

The benefits of massive web presence

Here is an example for you. Many of my students and mentees are speakers. Let's say that great speaker number one and great speaker number two are fairly evenly matched in terms of skill, topic and price. And now Mr. or Ms. Program Director or Meeting Planner has to choose which one to hire.

When you type great speaker number one's name into the search engines, you get two or three results. When you type great speaker number two's name into Yahoo or Google, you get pages and pages of results, many of which are articles that great speaker number two has written and distributed across the internet.

Now which speaker do you think the meeting planner or program director is going to hire, everything else being close to equal? Of course they are going to hire great speaker number two because of the web presence the articles have provided.

Whether you are a speaker, author, coach, information publisher, whatever you are, the more articles you have working for you, the larger presence you are going to have on the internet.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you're searching online for MN seo services, chances are you'll have wade through quite a bit of fluff on the results pages before finding that perfect candidate. So to aid you in your search, we've segmented the types of MN seo companies most commonly found on the SERPS into 3 major archetypes, followed by specific questions to ask in order to accurately judge the level of skill, ethics, and over-all worthiness of each.

SEO Services Archetype #1 - The Value Adders

This is by far and away the most commonly found archetype returned for a "MN SEO Services" search. This is the web development company who knows they have to offer online marketing services in order to stay competitive, but may not possess the knowledge or skill required to implement a truly effective campaign; one that increases sales. Bear in mind that search engine marketing is transient in nature. 40% of my day is spent researching algorithmic changes and trends that affect my clients. Considering that SEO is not their main area of focus, the value adder is probably using techniques that are at least partially outdated, or are observing only base-level best practices.

Questions to ask the Value Adders:

1. How often do you update your best practices?

2. What methods do you use to acquire high quality back links?

3. Can you show me evidence of increased sales in addition to your

customers ranking statistics?

SEO Services Archetype #2 - The "Big Fish"

There are a few select companies that completely dominate the results pages for Minnesota specific SEO related searches. These are what we'll call the big fish. You know they're doing something right, because their website appears at the top of the list for almost any conceivable keyword search pertaining to SEO in MN. In some cases this might speak to the expertise of the company's CEO or PR department, not neccesarily the skill of their staff.

Either way, cases of total SERP domination point not only to a big fish, but also big budgets. Expect to shell out chunk of change. Although the Big Baller is a good solution for companies who are seeking a massive campaign (and can afford it,) smaller fish are usually better for smaller projects.

If you are company looking for the best SEO money can buy, ask the following questions:

1. Who worked on your companies SEO campaign, and will they be working on mine? (Big Ballers usually have a good sized staff.)

2. What metrics do you have in place to measure my ROI?

3. How do your SEO services differ from [blank] company in MN?

SEO Services Archetype #3 - The Independent Conslutants

You guessed it. This archetype is characterized by the fact that they call their own shots. They are the independent SEO consultants. If an independant's website shows up in the SERPS, it probably belongs there. They most likely achieved that placement using their own tactics not requiring the approval or input of higher-ups, all the while working on SEO for their clients. Of course an independent consultant wont magically be the right fit just because they are independent and have some search engine visibility. There are many factors at work here, so exercising discernment is crucial.

Questions to ask independent consultants:

1. What kind of results have you achieved for your clients?

2. What are their telephone numbers?

And here's a bonus trick: Go to Yahoo! and type in If their backlinks come from mostly spammy directories, run in the other direction. Legitimate SEOs know that high quality links are a chief ranking criterion, and will have the relevant inbound links from authoritative sources to show it.

Megan Carruth aka BizDevMarketing is an online marketing and business development consultant in Minneapolis, MN.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The truth is the market for people looking for ways to make money online continues to grow at a rapid pace every day, as does the competition. As a person starts to gain some experience of the techniques used to market online, they soon start to hear about and try Internet article marketing. The reason this is so predictable, is because this continues to be one of the most effective ways to market your product or service on the Internet. I think there can be more benefits to article marketing then I read in the hundreds of article that I have read to date.

One of the main points of Internet article marketing that I think is over looked is what you learn by going through the process of writing articles. If you think about it, if you are taking the time to do the research to learn about a topic, you are probably learning something new about it as well. Already, you have benefited from the process of writing articles in a way that is seldom talked about. If you just write one article, then this benefit seems minimal, but there is a way that you can really compound this benefit.

Everything you do on the Internet you should be looking for ways to compound our efforts, or your benefits. One of the best ways to do this when writing articles for marketing on the Internet is to write as many articles on a single topic as possible. You are already thinking about it, you have done some research about it, so you take advantage of your current focus, and instead of writing one article, you write 5 or 10 or more. It turns out that this can still have even more benefit than this.

If you use this process several times, you can compound this effect even further. As explained above, the key to maximizing your efforts is to do the research, and then write several articles based on what you have learned so you get the greatest benefit from your. Now, Let say you go through this process again to get some fresh information on the same topic, so you can write 5 more articles. Now you have learned more than the average person on the topic and you are almost an expert.

If you were to do this 3, 4 or even 5 times, you would have 25 articles, written very quickly, and not only that, but you have also moved yourself in to the category of expert on the topic. And, you have enough written material to easily create an information product. You could either use this to sell and make money, or you could use it as a giveaway gaining the viral effect of having it being downloaded and distributed for free all over the world as the word of its information and value spread.

Now you see how simple it is to compound your efforts while developing content for Internet article marketing. In the article, you have learned the secrets used by experience Internet marketers for years. The difference between get tens and hundreds of viewers for your efforts and thousand and tens of thousands is learning to compound your efforts and results.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Walt Disney's Mary Poppins sang "In ev'ry job that must be done, there is an element of fun, you find the fun and snap! The job's a game....A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..." People give up on article writing and submissions for several reasons, one of them is that they failed to follow instructions which tells the marketer not only why they should not to give up but what they should do in order to reap the benefits of article submission and traffic flow. If you were going into an exam would you fail to follow the instructions, the answer is no but the reality is yes. We fail to follow instructions everyday in our lives. You may have participated in the visual cognition video where you are asked to keep your eyes on the bouncing balls and count how many passes are made from one player to the other. After the video has played a question is asked about a non related event, if the participants answer the question correctly then they did not followed the instructions. It is an eye opening video and will let you know a great deal about yourself.

Here are 5 writing tips which will help you follow instructions and create powerful results

Belief: Many people rely on intuition to help them in life and business, you should consider if trust is really the factor which is stopping you from following instructions not your intuition. If there is an absence of belief you will not be convinced that it is going to work and so you will sabotage your own efforts by either your own skepticism or by listening to negative comments.

Focus: If you are easily distracted even when you are following the instructions try to refocus on your aims and objectives by using strategies which help you to review your actions and clarify if you are meeting your targets correctly.

Desire: It's a game but by which rules are you playing? Build up your strategies to playing the game, stay committed and aim to be on top of your league.

Passion: If you are going to play, give it 100% every time you take part, keeping excited and enthusiastic about the things you are doing and the possible results you achieve will help you meet outcomes.

Action: When looking at following instructions challenge your resistance to them and consider that they are tuition and training directives to help you not to hinder you.

Gradle Gardner Martin is a Social Worker, Trainer and Author. Her new book "Inducing Wellbeing In The Work Place: A Workers Guide To Stress Management" available to buy from her website and at all book stores.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

As an article author, sometimes you can only pull so much out of your head before you need to turn to a system or a strategy for how to produce more original content.

The following are (7) types of great content sources to help you produce your next batch of 100+ quality and original articles:

Article Content Source #1: Old Ezine Articles

This includes your archives for articles that you sent your ezine from the past 10+ years. If you've created multiple articles for each email newsletter issue, I recommend that you break your old ezine articles into single article chunks rather than multi-topic articles. If you have large ezine articles from your email newsletter archive, consider breaking them down into 250-500 word chunks rather than 1,000-3,000 word articles.

Article Content Source #2: Old Original Forum Posts

If you've been on the Internet for some time, there is a good chance you belong to a few forums that you might call yourself a "resident expert" on. All of your old forum posts that are greater than 250 words in length will make great new articles that you can put into distribution to create more traffic and sales for your business, if not to enhance your credibility alone.

Article Content Source #3: Old Blog Posts

The whole point of blogging, besides posting frequently, is that you can easily syndicate your blog for others to read via the RSS reader of their choice. Because of the syndication orientation of blogging, your blog posts that are greater than 250 words make great articles that you can slap on a longer title, add a resource box that pitches your blog website and put a fast 250-100+ articles into immediate distribution.

Article Content Source #4: Out of Date Books

Are you an author that has a book that is no longer in print? If you own the copyrights to it, this is an excellent place to create hundreds of quality articles with just a few days or a week of editing.

Article Content Source #5: Your Current e-Books

Grab 10%-20% of your hottest selling ebook and flip it into articles designed to introduce your reader into wanting the whole ebook from you. You still need to deliver real content value here and not get skimpy or tease them with what they could learn if they bought your ebook.' Just keep the articles short, with bullets or small numbered lists.

Article Content Source #6: Top 10 or Top 7 Articles

Everyone likes content they can read very fast. Why not create top 10 lists (or any number of "Top" things) related to your niche or area of expertise. To begin, just create a headline such as "Top 7 Leaders Strategies For Newbie Managers" and then number the list from 1-7. Come up with a sub-headline for each tip and then do (1) paragraph describing the tip. You'll find these are easy to produce and crank out 5-10 of them per day.

Article Content Source #7: Keyword Research

Using Google Suggest ( ) or any keyword research tool, you can enter in keyword relating to your niche and discover topics that people are currently searching for that are related to your expertise. Use this as a springboard to launch another 25 articles that are 250-450 words each related to answering or providing short tips on how to solve or get more out of the keywords they searched for. Example: "Yoga" when entered into Google Suggest tells me that I should write articles about "Yoga Journals or Journaling" and about proper form or different types of "Yoga Poses."

ps: Would it surprise you if I told you that this very article was created from a compilation of blog entries that I created over the past 2 months? I just stitched together relevant blog posts until I had a brand new article that delivered a single themed message...and YOU CAN DO IT TOO! :-)

About The Author:

Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic expert author community. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

(c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

So, youre thinking about doing some marketing. If youre a small business owner, chances are youve already discovered that your options are practically endless.

You could place ads in local or national publicationsbuild a new Websitecreate a brochurestart an e-zinehold a competitionput on an eventget publishedhave your name printed on pensput out a press releaseand well, you get the idea.

For some entrepreneurs, all these options result in total paralysisYou dont do anything because you cant decide what to do.

Or, you end up choosing your marketing strategies for the wrong reasons so you dont get good results. Just because something is cheap, or the timing is right, or the opportunity comes from someone you know doesnt mean it s going to help you grow your business.

I once had a client who was addicted to cheap marketing like a woman gets addicted to sales. It didnt matter if she needed it or not, or if the opportunity was a good fit, as long as the price was right she was going to buy. Boy did she waste a ton of money on free or cheap marketing tactics that didnt get results.

I also have a client who wants to jump on every opportunity that comes her way. Someone calls with a new shopping cart system and shes ready to buy. A networking organization wants her to join and get published in their directory. Of course she has to decide in the next few days to get in this years edition. So she feels compelled by this to not let the opportunity go by.

Can you say salespersons dream???

So how do you choose the best marketing strategies for your business?

Instead of making your marketing decision based on price, convenience, or familiarity, you need to look at your goals, the results you are likely to get, the true costs and the potential gains.

Not sure how? Try using the quick list of questions below to help you make better choices. Whenever you are presented with a new marketing opportunity ask yourself:

1) Will this strategy get me in front of my ideal client or target market?

2) Will this strategy help me achieve my end goals or desired result?

If you answer no to either of these, stop right there and pass on the opportunity. If you answered yes to both, then it is time to calculate true cost.

3) What is the initial, up front cost?

4) How much time will it take to put everything together?

Now add on 1/3 more time than you think you will need, then multiply the number of hours by your hourly rate to calculate your time cost.

5) Will I need any professional services like printing, graphic design or copywriting to complete the project?

6) If so, how much will it cost to get my project done by the due date? Not sure? Call around and get estimates.

7) Do I have time to do this right, or will I have to pull an all-nighter to get everything done? If you have to work late, count it as time and a half and multiply by your hourly rate.

Now add up all these costs and ask yourself

8) Does this fit my budget?

9) How many new clients would I need to get to break even on the investment (Divide the total cost by the average revenue generated by one new client)?

10) Is that even possible, let alone probable?

If youve answered all of these questions, you should now have a reasonable idea of the true costs of your opportunity, as well as the potential Return on Investment (ROI). And it should be crystal clear whether or not the opportunity is a good fit for you.

The bottom line isnever make a marketing decision based solely on cost or convenience. After all which is more expensive: A $5000 campaign that brings in 20 new clients who each spend $300 (net profit of $1000), or a free ad that really costs you $800 to create but does not bring in any new business at all? You decide

With more than 20 years experience running small businesses, author Stacy Karacostas has developed a variety of proven tools, tips and tricks that take the struggle out of growing your small business. Discover all kinds of powerful resources, free for the taking, at