Saturday, June 28, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

We all know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) deals with many aspects of a site but while optimizing a site people generally tend to make mistake selecting the right keyword for the site they are trying to optimize.

The first basic step in optimizing a site starts with proper selection of keyword. If this goes well then you know that 50 percent of your work is done. I am saying so because even if you rank in the top ten for your targeted keyword in Google it will not help you gain traffic to your site as chosen keyword is an improper selection. So, your first criteria is to choose the best possible keyword that have an comfortable level of competition and would also fetch good visitors to your site.

Now, the question arises how you would actually choose the right keyword for your site. Well, like other people around I will not beat around the bush and directly come to the point. On the first instance I would suggest you to go through your site and understand the theme of it. Analyze what a normal visitor would type in to find similar sites. List down on the number of keywords that you could possibly find out. Check out with your friends and colleagues to give you suggestions. Once you have a list of keywords try to narrow down on the list by eliminating improper and irrelevant keywords.

Once this is over, now try to figure out from the keyword list how many times each keyword is being searched worldwide per month. Once you are convinced about the search rate list down the top 10 keyword as per the search rate. Do not try to optimize your pages for keywords that have high search rate because it will apparently have high competition. Try to figure out some keywords that will give you fair enough visitors but will have less competition.

Now, when you have selected three to five keywords try to optimize your page keeping in mind that it's better to optimize a page with twp key phrases.

Start your optimizing work with proper analysis of keyword through some of the major tools. These tools will help you in searching for the search rate for your keywords. Well, I try a combination of tools. I believe none of the tools available provide accurate data but definitely they will help you to approximately guess on the search rate.

The tools I would recommend are:

1. Good Keywords
2. Overture
3. Wordtracker
4. Google Adword Tool

So, head start with your optimizing work and bring success to your business.

You can find more information related to Internet Marketing at Seo Consultant

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you are just getting started with article marketing, or if you are still learning about article marketing, begin on the right foot. Here are seven simple rules you must know (and apply) in your article marketing campaign.

Rule #1: Make a plan. Before you begin writing articles, sit down and set a few goals for yourself. Know what your purpose is for marketing with articles.

Rule #2: Create a list of directories. Knowing where to submit your articles will save you time. Decide where you'll submit your articles. Create an account at each website and bookmark it.

Rule #3: Gather article ideas. You should never wait until you think you're ready to write a few articles to compile ideas. Jot down ideas you have every day. Keep a small notebook handy to write your ideas in. When you're ready to write articles, you'll have a miniature gold mine of ideas waiting for you.

Rule #4: Write fast. Lots of writers struggle over writing a perfect copy the first time around. Forget about it. Write fast, letting your thoughts flow onto the page. Once you're finished with your draft you can edit as much as you like.

Rule #5: Check spelling, grammar and word count. Before you submit your article to any directory, be sure you run a spelling and grammar check on the document. If you tend to forget to do this, write yourself a reminder on a sticky note and place it on your monitor screen.

Rule #6: Include a well-written resource box. This is the most important, and often most overlooked, part of the article marketing process. Always include a resource box with your articles that creates a call of action to your readers.

Rule #7: Be consistent. You can't write a handful of articles and expect huge results. Article marketing requires persistence and consistency. Plan long-term and you'll start getting amazing results from your article marketing efforts.

By the way, you can make money by writing articles just like this. I'm

doing it right now by following these methods:

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you want to strengthen your online presence and establish your name as an expert on your chosen niche, you better start writing and marketing your articles. Currently, this is the most effective way not only in driving quality traffic to your site but also in building trust among your potential clients.

1. Carefully choose your topics. In deciding the topics for your articles, consider these major elements: they must be relevant to your target niche, they must be able to promote your products, helpful to your target market, and they must be timely.

2. Write more. Don't be contented with the number of your articles posted online. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit, the more online users you will be able to attract. Set a systematic approach when utilizing this technique. Set specific days for your writing and for your submission so you can be more productive. You must also allocate adequate time when you can check your progress and improve your articles when needed.

3. Solicit feedback. If you are not getting favorable results, ask for feedback and recommendations from other article marketers or from your target audience. These people can help you look at your articles in a more objective way so you can easily identify the areas of opportunities.

4. Submit your articles. You have 2 options when posting your articles online. You can opt to manually submit them or go with automatic submission using various software. If you aim to accomplish more, I suggest you go with automatic submission which can help you electronically post you articles in just minutes. You can use the time you save on writing more articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One key part of being successful in article marketing is having somewhere for your readers to go once they've read your article. The link included in your resource box is one of the most valuable parts of the article marketing process because it brings you all the benefits everyone craves:

  • more subscribers

  • more traffic to Web sites and blogs

  • higher sales of products and services

  • influence and respect in chosen industry/niche

That is all great, but if you don't have a link at the bottom of your article where people can find out more about you there's really no point in writing and distributing the article at all.

In fact, this one key element having a Web site is a major barrier to some people who want to gain access to all the great benefits of article marketing but just don't have the time, money or expertise to publish their own Web site.

I found a solution to this problem and it's one of the easiest and most hassle-free ways I've found to implement the last piece in the article marketing puzzle.

*** Create a blog. ***

You can use the URL or web link, from the blog you create and put it into your articles. This is actually better than a normal Web site because people can leave comments on your blog. This shows that people are engaged and interested in what you're saying and offering.

It is very easy to do. And it costs you absolutely nothing.

  1. Visit I've used this service to create several blogs and it's always been a hassle-free experience for me. Each year they make the service easier and easier to use.

  2. Follow their steps for creating a no-cost account on their service. Blogger makes it very easy to create one of these. All you really need to do is just follow the steps they tell you and you're done. You don't need a programmer or a techie person to help you out with this one.

  3. Enter information about your business in the blog. I suggest posting short, informative pieces of information about you and your business. I call them mini-article. You can also post your full articles on the site as well. If you have a large group of articles like I do, you may want too space out those articles and only post a few a week.

  4. Place the URL from the blog you just created in the resource box that you include in each of your articles. OK, if you're wondering what a URL is, it's very simple. It's the Web address that will give you for your site.

After completing these easy steps you'll have no barriers to entering article marketing.

Let's review:

Here's what you put in:

  • writing an article

  • distributing to article directories

  • creating a blog for link-backs

    • Cumulative cost: $0

Here's what you get out:

  • larger list of subscribers

  • more influence in your industry

  • more visitors and comments on your blog

    • Value: Priceless

Keep in mind: Blogs are better because they allow others to say how great your articles are. When new visitors come to your site they'll be influenced by previous comments and leave good words of their own. Once you have this set up you'll be able to concentrate fully on writing info-packed articles that truly benefit your target audience/niche.

This isn't a commercial for, but it really is the easiest way to set up a blog. If you want to try out a few other services consider:

I use Word Press for one of my other blogs and I like them, too. I did need a bit of help setting this one up. But in the end it was well worth it. See for yourself:

Lisa Sparks is a veteran of the article marketing world, having published several hundred articles and authored an acclaimed book on the subject entitled, Power Words. Her follow-up to that book, Article Secrets Revealed is now a step-by-step home study course. Visit for more details.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most people are astonished at the cost of using search engine optimization companies. These companies often charge thousands of dollars just to manage your search engine campaigns. The truth is, it doesn't require rocket science to catapult your website up the rankings.

There are two main things you should know about SEO - onsite optimization and offsite optimization. Onsite optimization refers to customizing your site so that it is more search engine friendly. Offsite optimization refers to the building of backlinks (incoming links) to your website.

Many experts regard offsite optimization as being a more important factor to getting super high rankings. A site which doesn't 'tick all the boxes' but has sufficient quality incoming links will rank very well on Google or Yahoo.

So really you should concentrate your energy on building backlinks to your website. Quantity and quality are the key here. You'd want as many links from as many relevant websites as possible. If the site that is linking to yours is not relevant, then the 'linking power' of the incoming link will not be as strong as from a website that covers a topic similar to yours. Search engines like Google or Yahoo want to provide relevant content to their users, and that is why this is the case.

Some ways to boost your number of backlinks include posting in forums, using social bookmarking sites to create incoming links, creating blogs (which are viewed as authority sites) and writing articles. Those are some highly effective ways to get a stream of juicy backlinks.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The key elements to obtaining a higher ranking at major search engines are:

1.Valuable, regularly updated and Search Engine friendly content. This inclusive of the first stages of design, assignment of proper tags and keywords, and web page content, for both humans and Search Engines to read.

2.And the quantity and quality of links, preferably one-way, pointing back to your website.

To Search Engines, a well-linked web site has more value than those with less or none at all. Search Engines tend to rank websites with higher number of quality incoming links (links found at other web pages with high ranking that would direct clicks to your web site).

One way increase your web site's incoming links is through article marketing. It is a marketing strategy that has been more popular in its online advertising form. By doing article marketing, the author or company gains authority or have their expertise make known within the market that they are operating in. The marketer provides valuable information on a certain niche in the form of articles. These articles are then freely distributed to different article directories.

Article Marketing entails time and knowledge or money. Businesses owners/ professionals could also opt to do the writing themselves if they lack the money. Having the money, and not so much time or having poor English, a company or professional could choose to hire ghostwriters who would be willing to give up copyright of their work for a price. Or it could also work with the combination of the factors given depending on what suits the entrepreneur best.

The key to getting articles accepted by the directories are quality content, no advertisement in the article body and no links or if any, just those directed to helpful resources. You also have to work on a resource box that urges the reader to take action to gain business leads.

In need of a ghostwriter? Settle for nothing but the best, even on a budget. Why wait?

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A glimpse at Aweng's thoughts--a personal blog.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Change is all around us, and its here to stay. Today, change is occurring at a rate unprecedented in human history, and many the changes are revolutionary, not just temporary adjustments in normal cycles. We are in the Information Age.

Management guru and best selling author Tom Peters has said that he believes were in the midst of once-every 200 year economic, social, and political shift.

Such rapid change is quickly rendering many of our tried and true solutions ineffective or less effective. At the same time, in nearly every market, competition in increasing. Put these two developments together and its easy to see why innovation and creativity are such important skills for succeeding in the 21st century.

To succeed in the Information Age its important to regularly re-assess everything about your work and profession. Dont just randomly scrap all of your existing habits and practices just for the sake of change, rather do it intelligently and objectively. You should consistently review your work through new eyes, as an outsider or a stranger to your business or profession might do.

Here are three questions you should always ask yourself that will help you deal with change:

Why are we doing things this way?

Whats not perfect yet?

How could it be improved?

Set aside a regular time to mentally dissect your lifes work. You should keep a small notebook with you at all time so you can write down new ideas that continually come into your mine. It is often the case that if you dont right an idea down immediately youll loose it. Ten new ideas a day add up to 300 per month or 3,650 each year!

Dont get discouraged if many ideas seem impractical or ineffective. What youre after is a large quantity of ideas which you can later refine, combine and further develop into a handful of quality solutions.

Continuous education is one of the best ways to foster idea generation. You should be reading every day in your field or profession. Read trade journals, business magazines, and business and self-development books. You should be listening to audio programs and regularly attend educational seminars.

By continually educating yourself everyday it allows you to step outside your traditional thought patterns, similar to hanging a challenge or opportunity from a mental hook, walking around it and viewing it from many different angles.

Think of your brain as an incredible untapped diamond mine. You are probably mining only a fraction of its vast potential. New paths of thinking can help you discover and extract the vast riches of your mind.

As many entrepreneurs will tell you, all it takes is one great idea to revolutionize your life. Today, more than ever, we have the opportunity to lead or create change, instead of being carried along or overwhelmed by it. These tools can help you embrace change, cause it to happen and enrich your life in the process.

Copyright2006 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many businesses around the world, on the subjects of leadership, achievement, goals, strategic business planning, and marketing. Joe is the author of three books, Starting Your Own Business, Finding Your Purpose In Life, and The Guerrilla Marketing Workbook.

Reach Joe at:

Read more articles and newsletters at:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

No matter what the topic of your article, if your bio doesn't capture the attention of your reader, your article is just more content for the Internet. Research and Informational Writing often result in power-laden content that resounds with truth on the World Wide Web, but how do you pull traffic from that content back to your website? The Bio generates traffic back.

An effective bio can literally catapult your business forward, or hold you back.

If your purpose of creating web content is to bring traffic to your website, check your bios. Is it a newsy commentary that drives readers to click on the link or a disastrous ending to an otherwise worthy article? The most powerful bios often include very little information about the author, but more direction for the reader. If you can draw the reader into your thought process, pull their interest to knowing more about you, and direct them to click on the link to complete the process of getting to know what you're all about, you're ahead of the game.

What should you include in your bio?

1. Your link.

2. A captivating statement about your business that offers them a reason to click on the link.

3. An interesting but leading statement that tells them what to do next.

4. Give them something of value.

5. Your name, simply and completely tell them who you are and why they should do business with you.

By including these five simple items in your resource box bio, you'll have them eating out of your hands and rushing to your website to learn more about you. Or rather, and more importantly, what you offer...

Are you ready to multiply the results of your article writing campaign?

Learn the simple secrets of creating positive responsive articles at and claim your FREE 2 Article Template Packet, along with a FREE ezine Subscription.

Jan Verhoeff promotes high-impact article marketing as a primary source of online traffic, because it works.

2007- Jan Verhoeff

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are few that will dispute the power of email's influence. Whether you've noticed the spam in your junk folder or the newsletter from your favorite website; email has the ability to make us act - and quickly. Wouldn't it be great if you could harness the power of email for our business website? The good news is that you can with a good mailing list. But how do you create one? Here are five steps.

Talk to Your Friends and Family

When you have a group of people that you know, it only makes sense that you might send out your business information to them first, right? Send a short paragraph about what your new business is going to do, what it's going to sell and any other pertinent information they might need. Include a link to your website and to your mailing list to help them decide whether or not to continue to receive the emails. Chances are good that your friends and family will send this email onto any friends they have that might be interested too, creating a longer email list with little work from you.

Put a Sign Up Form on Your Website

With the proper website design, you will be able to collect the information from website visitors needed to send them regular emails. Put this mailing list option at the bottom or to the side of your main email page and then make sure that it's easily navigated to. This will allow your website visitors to decide whether or not this is something they want to sign up for.

But Also Have an Opt Out Function

If you're creating the opportunity for someone to be on your mailing list, you also need to create the opportunity for them to easily opt out of it if it's not something they are enjoying. There should be a link at the bottom of each email you send to them that allows them to opt out when it seems like a good idea for them. This makes signing up something that's risk-free, which will attract more to your list. In addition, be sure to include a statement that you will not share their information with anyone - that helps people feel like they're safe from spammers.

Include a Mailing List Sign Up Option Everywhere

On every page you can, try to include methods for your site visitors to sign up for your mailing list. This will encourage people to sign up whenever the mood hits them, plus it will give them multiple reminders that you do have a mailing list that can be easily accessed. Include this reminder on the bottom of each website page as well as in various locations during the ordering process.

Make it Worthwhile to Your Site Visitors

When you want to add more people to your mailing list, it's a good idea to make it worth their while. Create a contest for those who sign up within a certain period of time or give out free reports and eBooks for those that sign up to receive mailings. You want to also make sure that each email you send out is worth their time. If you're just sending links to your site or you are only emailing about sales, you might start turning off a customer who doesn't necessary want to buy something all the time, but who may just want to learn more about the market you are working in.

The goal is to create a large mailing list that will get notified whenever something big and important happens in your business - and that this notification will drive them into action.

Scott Oliver offers free video coaching to help you build a profitable home business FAST. Get an hour of "Website Traffic Secrets" and "Minisite Creation Tactics" for FREE -- immediate access here:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Building article directories is all the rage now. Practically every time I submit an article I get a pop-up asking me if I'd like to build an article directory like the one I'm visiting. But I have no interest in that. I like to write and submit articles.

Is article marketing just a phase? I don't think so, look at where television was just 50 years ago and see how it has grown. The Internet is the television of future. Millions of people worldwide are entertained and informed by it every day. And one thing that is an absolute necessity for the Internet to continue growing is the need for fresh content. Just like television, both mediums need a constant source of fresh material to present to the public. That is very good news for those of us in the article business, and for that reason, I believe that article marketing is here to stay. The question is, as article writers, how can we capitalize on that? The answer is; write and submit targeted articles and add a well thought out resource box to each article.

By designing a good, well-conceived resource box, you can maximize the number of clicks each article generates. For each article I write, I design a different resource box. It is targeted specifically to the content of that article. In the first line, I add a link to your main site's opt-in page. In the sentence or two that follows, give a short description of what your site offers. Make sure you tell viewers the benefits of visiting your site. If they click through to your website, give them good reasons to sign-in. Promise free downloads. On my website, I offer them the opportunity to view and download numerous articles, pdf's and information on a number of techniques to generate money by writing articles.

Following that information, skip a line to start a new paragraph. In that section of the resource box, offer either one of your own products or an affiliate item. Follow that with a short sentence on how it would benefit the reader to through to that item.

Again, you should skip a line here and start a third paragraph. In this final section, provide a link on an additional product you are promoting. Try to vary the products and the order of their appearance.

Maximize viewer response by using three separate paragraphs. Using these techniques, your links will stand out more prominently, and you will dramatically increase the number of clicks.

Start your own affiliate program!
Let others make money for you!

Free Downloads! FREE Ebooks!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I once read a remark that if a SEO company can not top (at least) for the keyword "SEO" in Google, it can not be a worthy company.

I know a lot of people might come up with the same logic while searching for the best SEO Company for his site. But let's take a look at the scenario from some different angles.

Why do you target some keywords in your website? The answer is obviously to get targeted visitors who are looking for some service - those who are my potential customers.

But does the word SEO have the potential to bring me genuine customers? For example if my site ranks 1st on Google for 'SEO Services' and 'SEO', which one do you think will get me desired visitors who are willing to buy a service? The answer is obviously SEO Services. And at the same time the competition for SEO Services is comparatively less (but tough) then SEO.

Most of the good SEO companies get clients on recommendations. For example, if I like XYZ Company's job, I will recommend it for my friend's site. And thus XYZ get more clients - simple.

Another big reason is that a lot of SEO companies do not want their name to be associated with the term SEO to search engines.

But if some SEO companies say that due to heavy work pressure that could not concentrate on the ranking of their website - do not believe them or do not work with them either. If they can not find time to work for their mother site, how much time can you expect for your own site?

Now, the problem is somewhere else - every one claims them to be the best SEO Company. And unless I get recommendation from some reliable sources, it is tough to decide their credibility.

So how to find the best SEO company?

To start with it is better to go for local SEO companies (for example search for Florida or Ft Lauderdale SEO and website marketing in search engines if you are from that region). If you are new to internet marketing, this is the best option to start as they are comparatively cheap and you may get someone in your extended friend's community who can give you some feedback about them. At least you can reach them physically at any point of time.

If some companies say that they will help you guaranteed top ranking in Google or Yahoo for a very competitive keyword like SEO Services and they will do it within one month - do not work with them. Getting a good search engine rank is a long term process and no one can guarantee it. And even if they do it with some black hat SEO techniques, it may harm your business in the long run and this sort of ranking is normally not sustainable for a long period.

Ask for their track record - if they have done some good work they will be happy to show you a glimpse. Thus, you can have a good understanding of their company.

Take a look at their website to find out if it is clear or not. Take a look at their page rank and do a search on Google to find out what people are saying about them.

And more importantly ask them straight about their strategy to promote your site for better search engine rankings. Sign the agreement only if you are satisfied with their strategy.

Always remember that good SEO companies will work with you (not alone) to improve your search engine rank.

Learn about better search engine rankings. from leading Florida SEO company.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article writing and marketing is one of the very best ways to build a highly responsive list. And a highly responsive list is like gold to your internet marketing.

Here are 7 reasons a highly responsive list is gold to your internet marketing.

1. Anyone can build a list - You do not have to be some great big internet marketing expert to build a list. It's truly an equal opportunity situation. It's an all skate. You just gotta do the work.

2. Highly responsive - A small highly responsive list is much better than a huge unresponsive list. They will answer your questions and buy your products and stay with you.

3. Loyal - A highly responsive list sticks around. They are not fly by night internet surfers who subscribe on day and unsubscribe the next. You can count on them.

4. Viral - A highly responsive list tells other people about you. And guess what? - they help you continue to grow your highly responsive list.

5. Market research - You can do great market research with a highly responsive list. Ask them what they want and they will tell you. Ask for feedback about a new product and they will give it to you.

6. Buy on command - Here is where your fortune can be made. Loyal responsive list members will buy from you over and over.

7. It's all in the list - Your list is your gold. It's all in the list. Take good care of your list.

Use these seven list building tips to build your list of gold with your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One way links pays a lot for your link building strategy. They can increase your websites presence and strength in all major search engines. This is an integral part of off page search engine optimization. It enhances the website presence and gives your website a great popularity. Link building is a process which takes place away from the actual constructed site. There are different ways of getting one way links. Some of these are indicated as under-

Directory submissions - This is one of the most reliable source of getting one way links. You need to submit to the relevant category in the directory that allows one way submission some directories give approval easily. Directories first review the sites manually and then give approvals. In case the submission or the website submitted is not according the suggested guidelines of directory, it is often rejected. This process can take weeks to months depending upon the directory status and differ from one directory to other. High quality and high page rank directories often accept paid submissions.

Article submissions are other way for getting links. The main purpose of article is to provide useful information related with your website topic to the readers. Generally article should not be in directly in the form of promotion and advertisement statement. Such articles do not get approvals. Articles should be written in a way to discuss some specific theme or topic related to your website and providing reliable information from it. Apart from getting links the other benefit of article is that website owner can generate a good amount of visitors to the site. Articles are submitted in article directories and some good amount of article sites are Ezine articles and article dashboard etc.

Another way is Social book marking sites which is also one of the best source of getting links from web pages. A person needs to register in these sites and they can store the links to the web pages which they find it effective and useful for them. Whenever they log into the account they have the access to the links stored by them. Other users can also access these links. Thus these links assist in search engine optimization for website. Other people with similar interest and category and tag can view these links. Social book marking sites allows the users to tag and bookmark the pages and users can search for the bookmark associated with a given tag.

Blog is a website where you can continuously contribute some stuff in the form of an article, information or knowledge base. You can always provide something latest through a blog. Visitors are able to know what is new and people become aware about your website. Through blog people comes to know about your website. Just like articles blogs can bring a good amount of traffic to your website. . Blogs also comes in instances of website and counts as back links. You can post your blog in various number of blog sites available. You can include link of your website in the blog to generate a visitor to the blog to your webpage.

Another important feature is press release which is a statement or announcement for the launch of a new product or services, news and event related to your website. These are submitted in press release sites and an important way of getting the one way links.

Another important feature is RSS submission which means really simple syndication. It the summary of the content of an associated website in the form of an XML file. We can include links to the website pages for which we want one way links. This makes it possible for people to manage their websites in an automated manner which seems easier then to check manually.

Rajeev Guglani writes articles for SEO. He has vast exposure in writing for Search Engine marketing. He is working for NDDW. For web site promotion, Search Engine Optimization and Link Building Services visit