Sunday, June 22, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Internet marketing has become this huge phenomena in the last ten to fifteen years. Literally thousands of internet businesses are being started every single day in North America alone, and the interesting thing about it is that a good percentage of the people that start these businesses, don't know a thing about the internet. Let alone marketing on it!

I remember when I first started online (this goes back years), I got a hold of a recorded video seminar and as you can imagine, I was glued to the screen watching every move of these multi millionaires. They were supposedly THE deal and everyone expected to receive a magic success formula from them. After all, how else would these gurus have made their millions?

Well, I don't remember much about that particular video anymore, except for one scene - where the guru jokingly promised that she would tell everyone exactly where she got all of her secrets from. She had everyones attention all of a sudden. To their disappointment though she says: "GOOGLE".

Now, I am certain that you have heard gurus say that in the past as well and whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant. Fact is, there really is no magic or secret when it comes to internet marketing. Take my word for it: I have seen it all.

If anything, there is a formula, and here it is: Do what successful internet marketers do, and you will be successful. It is as simple as that!

Having said that though, google might not always be the best place to go to if you are just starting out. There is a lot of information out there and by the time you have sifted through it all, you will most likely suffer from information overload. So what do you do?

Join a webmaster forum, bookmark webmaster resource sites, and last but definitely not least, read articles that have been written by experts in the field.

By joining a forum with like minded people, you will find that you are not the only person on the world wide web that has questions about whatever it is you are struggling with. Forums are the ideal place to discuss these problems and to come up with a solution. Remember: two minds are better than one.

Another advantage about webmaster forums is that even though you are all a like minded bunch of people, you all have different strengths and weaknesses. Something you might consider straight forward might be something someone else is struggling with. On the flip side though, if YOU are the one struggling with something, someone else might just be an expert in that.

Build a reputation as one who likes to help, and guess what... other webmasters will have no problem helping you either. Remember: It is always better to give than it is to receive!

This author has proudly added to his favorites. Feel free to distribute this article in any way or form as long as you include this resource box.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Getting traffic to your website or blog is the only way to make it pay, but not everyone who launches a website or blog has the money to spend on promotion. Good news. There's a promotional method that really works for attracting site or blog traffic and it's free, free, free. It's called article marketing and it is a sure way of raising a site's profile.

Step 1: Find An Article Directory

To get started, find a suitable article directory. Article directories are sites that have hundreds and thousands of articles and there are new ones emerging every day. Some are all-purpose, covering everything from family issues to healthcare, while others have a niche, such as computer advice or art. All of them are hungry for content.

With so many to pick from, choosing an article directory can be a minefield. To make it easier, look at the directory to see:

  • how many authors there are - if only a handful, forget it and move on.
  • how many articles there are - ditto; come back when they've got some content
  • can the site be found on Google, Yahoo or MSN - if you can't find many links to the site, then no-one will find your articles either.
One of the best and most effective article directories I have used is EzineArticles is easy to use and articles published on the site appear in the search engines very quickly.

Step 2: Start Writing

Once you've decided on the right article directory or directories, write an article. Bloggers will find that blog posts are a good starting point for a web article. If you're not a writer, there are plenty of writers who will whip up an article for a few dollars. Some will even help you get it published. The article you write or commission can be about almost anything related to the site, blog or business you are promoting. The ideal article should be short (say 300-600 words) and error-free, so remember to proofread and spell check.

Many article directories vet articles before publishing. Stick to the guidelines that are published on every site and approval should be a formality. Most article directories prohibit self-promotion in the body of the article. Direct promotion of a site, blog or business is reserved for the resource box.

Step 3: Work That Resource Box

The resource box is where article writers can put all the self-promotional information. Readers who have found the article useful are likely to click on the links to see what else a site, blog or business has to offer. Article directories typically allow up to three links in the resource box. A good resource box has the name of the writer or the person being promoted, the name of the business and the keywords that the site or business owner would like to promote. See the resource box at the end of this article for an example. Other resource boxes may link to a sales letter page (with the product name highlighted) and include a short elevator pitch and call to action.

Step 4: Submit Like Crazy

Once the article has been submitted to the directories the site owner has chosen, it's time to move the strategy to the next level. Article submission services extend the potential reach of an article, giving another opportunity to boost traffic. Like many article directories, article submission services allow people to upload articles for approval. Once the articles are approved, these services send them out to article directories, article groups, ezine publishers and website owners to be considered for publication. Two options for article submission are Article Marketer, which has free and paid options and Isnare, which is a paid service. There are also free and commercial programs to automate article submission.

Pros And Cons Of Article Marketing

The big question, of course, is whether submitting articles to hundreds of directories counts as duplicate content. It's hard to tell. Some of them end up in the sandbox after a while; others don't. Staggering submissions is a good way to avoid this. However, in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the potential disadvantages. With article marketing, sites can receive hundreds of inbound links in only a few days or weeks and thousands of people will be visiting the site that's being promoted. That can't be bad, can it?

Sharon Hurley Hall is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor, who has seen article marketing work for her. Sharon is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor who writes on freelance writing skills and writer promotion for For more information or to contact Sharon, visit

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article writing has remained to be one of the most profitable ways to earn money online. As more and more webmasters need content for their website and for their marketing campaigns, a lot of opportunities are introduced to the growing numbers of article writers.

Anyone, including those who are not professional writers, can write articles for the web. You don't need to have a college diploma or masters in literature just to create content that is targeted to a certain niche. All you need is basic writing skill or willingness to learn if you don't have the skill yet, basic information about SEO, and excellent research skills.

1. Be a ghostwriter. You can actually earn $5-$12/article depending on word count and topics. You can offer your writing services to millions of webmasters online that run websites which has topics that are familiar to you. It is recommended that you work for someone who is in the industry that you are passionate about. If you love traveling, work with webmasters with travel sites. By doing so, you will be able to provide exceptional articles while you enjoy the job.

2. If you are into affiliate marketing, you can write articles to promote your affiliate products. This is one of the most effective means of selling your items. Just make sure that your articles are highly targeted to your niche and that they are powerful enough to move your readers to make a purchase.

3. Set up your own blog. You can actually use your articles as blog entries. When your blog is field with content, you can then post Google adsense on your blog page. You will earn each time an interested visitor click your ads. It's that simple!

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

It's the goal of many businesses, perhaps even all of them. It's the Holy Grail, the advertising campaign that brings you the maximum sales for the minimum investment. But make no mistake; the smart money is on a planned approach using the key points listed below. Even if advertising is still as much an art as a science, don't let that put you off digging for the facts and using a rational approach.

Your marketing plan is the first step. Don't have one? The now is a good time to make one. Your marketing plan will essentially say what kind of customer you want to attract, what your offering will do to gain that customer's interest and how you will promote and fulfill the sale that you make. It doesn't have to be complex. Some of the best marketing plans get written on the back of an envelope and it's this simplicity that helps them drive business success.

Next up is your advertising strategy. It's a bit like betting on horses. And if you've ever placed bets on horses, you'll probably know at least one thing: intuition and hunches are dangerous things! Advertising, like horses, need a careful look at the facts and the statistics so that you can then put your money on the option that really is the best bet.

The amount of money you want to spend also needs to be defined. It can differ widely from a few percent to almost half of the revenue. It'll depend on your business and the return that you can get on your investment. Consider aspects like repeat sales that you might make with customers. If they are likely to come back to you time and time again, you can justify a higher ad spend to get them on board.

Advertising copy has to be top notch as well. Let's not confuse top notch with super expensive. It may be a case of clearly and simply articulating your business philosophy (for example, "We make and supply superb art reprints that are guaranteed to fit in with your home". Resist the temptation to get tricky, at least until you've got some solid advertising working for you. Tricky or obscure advertising appeals to a very limited market at best.

Finally, track what you do and the results that it brings you. This is why you wrote your marketing plan, you defined your advertising strategy and you laid aside your hunches. Tracking is what will let you see where your money is working and where it is not. That means you can switch your expenditure to the advertising that works.

People who may have the best intentions in the world will often offer their opinion about what advertising you should do. Compare what they say with what you see going on around you, but always come back to the facts that you know to be true. That way, even if there is no "one size fits all" solution in advertising, you'll at least be pointed in the right direction.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Google Analytics is a free tool that you can used to track information about the way visitors to your site interact with it. During a search engine optimization campaign, you will need to use Google Analytics to track the performance of your keywords in order to have a successful campaign. You will be able to know how much traffic each of the keyword brings to your website. Google Analytics will open up a world of information you probably never knew about visitors on your site.

Here are some benefits of using Google Analytics during an optimization campaign:

1. It is completely free of charge. Although it is a free tool, but it still offer just as much or even more functionalities when compared to other paying tools.

2. Able to find out how your visitors locate your website. Other than the core set of keywords that you are optimizing, you will also be able to find out what other keywords your visitors type in to find your website. During the initial optimization campaign, the number of keywords may be little. But as time goes by, you will start getting more keywords being listed on organic listings, due to your overall optimization effort.

3. Able to identify which pages and links your visitors click the most. You will be able to know which are the popular pages and links, and measure whether your optimization campaign is directing the traffic to the correct pages.

4. Visitor segmentation. With this, you will be able to know how many new visitors that your search engine optimization campaign brings to you. You can segment your analytic result by new/returning visitors, geography and referral sources.

5. Able to fine tune your website. With this analytic report, you will be able to fine tune your website, and do a new copywriting on any page that is not converting well. In the end, it will bring you more quality prospects, and thus gaining more customers in the near future.

With Google Analytics, other than collecting data about traffic from Google, you will also be able to collect data traffic from MSN and Yahoo! search results with respect to your site and use it to strengthen your stronghold on the search platform.

Every marketing campaign on the Internet needs to be tracked, in order to make it successful. After planning and implementation, tracking tools are necessary so as to calculate the ROI of a particular campaign.

Cheow Yu Yuan is the co-founder of, an online marketing and branding agency.

Check out more about Online Marketing and Branding at

Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the resource box intact.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Search engine optimization (SEO) is when you take certain steps in order to rank higher in the search engine results and thus get more traffic. The best ways to achieve this are by site building, link building, on page optimization and keyword research and selection. You will need to work on each of these areas in order to develop the strategies that will help your site rank well. It will be easier for some keywords compared to others. Just remember it will take time and that your goal should be to get more traffic, not rank higher necessarily.

Keyword selection is probably the most important part of SEO. You may think that you know exactly which keywords you should be using, but you don't. The most common mainstream keywords are going to be the most expensive and difficult to achieve a high ranking for. You will need to think out of the box. I like to sit down and brainstorm on a piece of paper. I write out as many keywords as I can think of and start building my list. Google Adwords has a keyword tool that helps me come up with more once I'm all out of ideas. It is best to put down as many as you can come up with. Once you have your list you should start to knock some off by looking up how many people actually searched for that phrase and who your competition is.

The way your site is built is also crucial to your online success. The way your pages are structured and coded will have a great impact on your SEO efforts. In order for your pages to be found for a search they need to be indexed by the search engines. Javascript menus often throw off search engines when they are trying to index your website. This doesn't mean that you can't use them, but if you do, make sure to include another way to navigate your site. This alternate navigation should contain links that are text only. You should also make a sitemap that includes all of the pages on your site.

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