Saturday, June 21, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The basic step of SEO starts from the keyword marketing. Through keywords a business can express its identity to the target audience. Therefore, keywords are quite important for the successful search engine marketing.

But keyword optimization depends on host of factors, and it is very much crucial to set certain parameters by which one can attain the highest place in the SERP (Search Engine Return/Result Page), and thereby one can also get the prospective customers online.

Two things are important for the Keyword strategies (Keyword selection process): nature of the business and the likely target audience. One has to narrow down the search sphere of getting the target audience; a specific keyword targeted can fetch the mass target audience to your site. As a result, it would yield a highest return, and it would increase the ROI (Return on Investment).

Keyword research is the first phase of an economical SEO service. Three key points are there: the kind of products and/or services your business can render, who is target audience, and what they are searching for in order to get to your business.

A proper keyword research should start with this understanding that these aims are to be achieved by the keyword research. An optimized content development requires the proper keyword research, keyword selection and the keyword placement; this in turn will enhance the rankings of the site on the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Therefore, Keyword research determines which keyword phrases will describe the website's products and/or services and are actually used in web searches. It has three crucial aspects:

1) Keyword analysis: It is the process of analyzing the volume of likely keywords that will generate the traffic.

2) Keyword selection: Out of the bulk of keywords taken, one must have the understanding of the different prospective keywords to reflect the company's status.

3) Keyword placement: The final step is the keyword placement, which involves the proper placement of the keywords in the site content. This placement must be such appropriate that the search engine spiders will give more relevance to.

These above stated three processes are totally known as the Keyword Optimization. Now, keyword research consists of finding the right kind of keyword that has the highest search frequency (the value for the keyword), and at the same time, it has the lowest competition in the market, i.e. a few businesses has sought for that particular keyword. In way the keyword should be the search term for any specific business by the prospective clients. It is really impossible to find the perfect keyword as a tool to compete thousands of same businesses. Sometimes, it might all so happen that a popular keyword, in spite of its highest competitive nature, is targeted, for the sake of its indispensability and highest conversion rate (the power of a keyword to generate sales).

Following are some of the important factors that are taken into consideration while choosing the keywords:

1. Try to select unique key words that your competitors have not thought of. There are so many tools like Word tracker, Overture and Google Ad sense to find the targeted keywords. But please do keep in mind, while choosing a keyword try giving a unique shape to it.

2. Optimize for your most profitable key words. How many sales does the key word generate? How much profit is made for each of these sales?

3. Make sure that the key words are very significant to your site so that people who find your site through your key words will not immediately leave. Site popularity is a factor to be taken into consideration also.

4. Try to accumulate a list of key words that covers your site very well so that you aren't leaving anyone or anything out. The nature of business must be exposed through your keywords.

5. Conversion rate checking is another point. If a keyword is able to bring 10 people to your site, and out of 10, only one sale generates, in comparison to another keyword that brings only two and that 2 persons buy your products, then the next keyword is said to be of more useful than the first one. This is called the conversion rate. Therefore, the conversion rate for the latter keyword is higher than the former one. Ultimately, your search weapon should bring prospective customers; that is what your toil for to sell the more.

6. Seeing what the competitors are targeting by going over to their source from the view option; it is not entertained that one puts a keyword targeted by a competitor in to-to to one's site. It would then be called stealing, and frankly speaking, that is not an ethical search engine practice. A competitor's site can be viewed from all perspectives, so long as a healthy competition exists. It would give you some idea and reference, why and how a successful competitor is on the top. Guidance is always acceptable, but the replication can never be encouraged. In Google too, such attempt is punishable, and if caught, the site may be banned for copyright threat.

7. Just do think like how a common person will search for a particular site. Then look for that kind of keywords. It is always advisable to have two to three special or unique keywords that contain the business lingo or the jargons; in that sense the keywords sought would be realistic and specific.

Once the keywords are attained, the next move is to implement them properly; following are the universal places where the keywords are usually placed:

In the title
In the domain name
In the heading
In the first sentence of first paragraph
In the filename
In text link
In Meta description
In Meta keyword
At the bottom of page

Keywords optimized this way will have a likely impact to be searched first and crawled well by search engine spider.

Joanna Gadel is from a Search engine marketing Australia agency named by SEO Sydney gives the best SEO services. The keyword research process to boost the sales and marketing is well observed by him, and that observation is well reflected in his experimental SEO topics.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The purpose of Search engine optimization is to bring your website up and most viewed. Its aim is to make your website more viewed and more promoted. But unfortunately there are many website makers who are unaware of the purpose and benefit of SEO. A website that doesn't appear to the level of SEO requirements is useless.

There are a few points that are to be considered related to SEO. First thing to be noticed is the keyword. A keyword is a term or phrase that relates the visitor to your website via the search engine. The keyword defines your website. Its purpose is to make your website appear before the visitor at his search. For example if you are a real estate agent, then you will place the word real estate agent in your website a couple of times.

This will make the visitor reach your website. You will make it more clearly by more keywords. For example if you are a real estate agent of London, you will place more words of real estate agent of London. Thus it is very important to place all of the keywords in your homepage so that the search engines would situate most of the visitors to your website. The value of keywords is highly important because it makes the search engine locate you every time and this benefices you to get most of the viewers.

It is a fact that many of the webmasters are unaware of the SEO importance. For the beginners it is very necessary to know that SEO is a term that is backbone for any website. A website has to be viewed by major of the search engines among them is most fabulous Google. The search engines like Google, Msn, Yahoo and Lycos have to be linked first. These are the search engines that are used throughout the world in major. It is a good point to be linked and observed by these search engines. It is possible by following their guidelines; these guidelines are refreshed and updated on a regular basis, so you must read and acknowledge your self with these guidelines on a regular basis.

The backward links is also a way to gain more and more attention of search engines. The SEO experts say that obtaining more and more links is the gateway to higher ranking in the prominent search engines. An easy way to come on eyes of search engine is the article marketing. You can get most of the backward links through article marketing.

The article marketing has proved to be a great source for backward links and it will continue to be great in future as well for the beginners. The beginners finally should observe to get more backward links to obtain more and more high ranks in the search engine for the purpose of promotion of their websites.

This article is submitted by Nasrullah A. Mardani. A SEO at Rankerz SEO

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Like most internet marketers, network marketers and online business owners you are always searching to find responsive sources of targeted lead generation and increased web site traffic, at least thats what I am constantly being asked about.

You have heard it all before, all the things you must do:

  • Target your market
  • Increase web site traffic
  • Entice responses to your opt in forms
  • Collect your leads contact information
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Build your lists
  • Monetize your lists

Your question is still - How do you do that effectively?

Start by learning how to deploy an article writing strategy to target your lead generation efforts by:

  1. Researching the categories in popular article directories, and select topics that are relevant to your target market for your article writing campaign
  2. Researching keyword phrases related to those topics, for example, if you Google "targeted lead generation" or "lead generation you will find the competition is 11, 300 for the former compared to 1,900,000 for the latter, hence you would use the phrase "targeted lead generation" to attract visitors interested in that segment of the broader lead generation market.
  3. Targeting your keyword phrases in your article writing, to improve your conversion rate of article readers to visit the "targeted lead generation" anchor text in the link of your articles "bio" or "resource box" leading them to your web site.
  4. Providing valuable content to help your readers answer their questions, or solve the problem is your primary purpose in article writing. By doing so you will establish yourself as a "go-to" resource in your target market, that your targeted leads will want to hear from, so they will be willing to give you their contact information, if you ask them in an appropriate manner.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: - Learn How Targeted Lead Generation Starts the Art of Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover How to Help Your Online Business with Targeted Lead Generation Here Now

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I recently extended a challenge to a writing group. The challenge was to write and submit as many articles as possible to article directories online during the month of January. I was surprised to learn that some writers had never heard of article directories. So here's my crash course for writers: Article Marketing 101.

WHAT is an article directory? An article directory is a website that contains a database of articles. These articles are categorized by topic on the website. An article directory is a place where authors submit their articles. It is also a place where publishers can find free articles pertinent to their publishing needs; in exchange they place your bio and [active] links with your article when they publish it.

HOW do I submit my articles to an article directory? The process of submitting articles is simple. First, you'll need to create an account with the directory (this is usually free). Once your account is approved and activated, you'll be able to submit your articles.

WHO approves my articles? Article directories are normally maintained by human editors. Every article is read and checked by these editors and then must be approved. (Remember to read and follow the article directory's terms!)

WHEN are my articles displayed? Normal wait time can range from one day up to two weeks. On average, my articles are usually approved within 5-7 days.

WHERE are my articles used? Your articles are used in many venues. Sometimes an editor who is short an article for her monthly newsletter will search, find, and print a relevant article from the article database. One lady I know that runs an article directory has had several print publications use articles from her database, and is marketing it more and more towards the print publishers now.

WHY would I want to give away my articles for free? Submitting your articles to an article directory has tons of benefits. Not only do you get free marketing benefits from it, but you get lots of exposure. You can position yourself as an expert. It's a mutual win-win situation, for both you and the publishers that get to use your articles.

Get more tips on how to market with articles at - Be sure to subscribe to the free newsletter:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Once your site is in place you are faced with several challenges that are going to affect not only how long your business lasts, but also how effectively you will be able to promote and market your product or service to a broad, narrow or specific audience.

The web today is a lot like popular competitions. The owners love their widgets, they dress them up, enhance their skill for the talent competition and travel all over to make sure that their widget is in the running for a really big prize. The key in this phase, probably the phase you are now in, is that it begins with tremendous passion for your product or service. You know what you are selling intimately. You either have been doing it for someone else for years, been working on the idea of starting something that will allow you to make your own hours, or want to share something great. But, what happens when your passion is actually out there and you haven't got a resource bank to put power it.

Think of a sail boat. They are so beautiful. You always see pictures of these beautiful boats and smiling people with a happy guy at the helm. If you love the sun, water, adventure, this is a wonderful picture and makes you really want to be there. But, what happens when there's no wind? Unless sitting in the middle of the ocean sharing the last can of beans is your plan (which we know isn't), you're going to need some gas in your engine to cruise into a port until the wind comes up. So let's talk about the first two steps in making sure you always have some gas.

Product and Service Growth List

You already know that your website is more than loving your product or service and knowing that it will be beneficial to others, or posting some articles about your product on your website, using the marketing features once and then waiting for the multitudes to arrive. The web is a constantly evolving medium so marketing and maintenance must be a continual evolving effort for you to stay alive in this market. If your goal is to have a constant flow of traffic that includes both new and return customers then posting information or updates at unscheduled intervals or not maintaining your site is not going to result in a thriving business. Without a lot of time, effort and some excellent resources to bounce ideas around with, enhance your marketing strategy and provide you with honest feed back, you're going to be in a leaky boat really fast. So first, take a moment to make a growth list.

Your growth list is what you currently have in place-Website, basic marketing package, sort of a contact list and anything else that you know is going to need to be updated on a regular basis, the things that will never go away. Next, list the resources you currently have. This would include any packages or pieces of packages that you have only tried once or not used at all.

The next column of your growth list will be "need but don't have." These are those things (skills, products, software) that you don't have but need. Do you know every detail about your product or service but can't write or present it in a way that excites others? If you have a product, is it one that can be easily shared with others? Does your full-time job keep you from having the time to write articles, create ezines or newsletters, or cultivate and grow your market? In the web culture marketing is one of the biggest factors in growing your business effectively.

Once completed, keep your list in a safe place. Review your list often and add to it whenever you have an idea or see something that you might like to explore later. Don't delete anything. Your growth list is a keystone in creating and growing your marketing strategy.

Marketing Resource List

You want to create a list of the resources that you currently have on hand. This list includes people you know who will provide totally honest and unbiased opinions, mentors and tools that you have (even if you have never used them). Be sure to include contact or purchase information for your resources. As your business grows you will continue adding to this list. I have resource books that I morphed from address books purchased from my local market. This list will grow at an astonishing rate if you stick to your action plan.

Resources come in many forms. When I find an excellent book, article or piece of software or happen upon a great website I always put the title, author and other information in my resource book as well as the reason that I'm putting it there. This is especially important for the long term since you will forget in a year or two why you stuck a particular name, book or site on your list and if you haven't made a little note about it's purpose you may have to re-invent the wheel to get information that you already have.

Don't be afraid to contact authors or website owners when you want more information or have a question. Most of us love to write, chat and share information. The few out there who are just trying to solicit customers are pretty easy to spot and if you happen to wind up on an email list you really don't want to be on, you can always block it. For the most part though, when I contact someone with a question they are more than happy to answer the question. Usually I also get some great information that I didn't know I needed and in some cases I make a really good e-friend. Again, be sure to put these in your resource book as well as why you contacted them and what you learned. (You've probably figured out that I have several resource books).

There are many steps to take in growing your new business but the two items discussed above are by far the most important to ensure that you have a successful and growing internet business.

To find out more about building and maintaining a successful website or marketing strategy send me an email or read my other articles.

Copyright Ellen Jackson and Website Maintenance and Marketing
You have permission to use this article freely in any publication as long as you do not alter or change the content and the byline is included as-is. For more information please email me at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What is exactly Viral marketing? Viral marketing is any marketing technique that induces web sites or users to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users. So in other word, viral marketing is a way to promote a service or product exponentially. When effectively done one person will give it to several people who in turn will promote it to several other people. This is what makes viral marketing so effective. Here are some of the powerful reasons that make viral marketing a successful form of advertising.

1. Reduced work
With viral marketing, you advertise to some people, who can end up advertising your business for you. The people they advertise to could also advertise your business to some other people. The process continues and you may end up with a lot of people advertising your business.

2. Reduced effort
One of the commonly used methods is to give away free stuff. This will be further elaborated later. With viral marketing, you do not necessarily have to focus as much effort on advertising compared to other marketing methods.

3. Increased conversion rate
Conversion rates could be improved using this technique and there could be high amount of traffic that comes to your websites as well.

4. Targeted promotion
People will tend to only talk about your business to other people who are interested in it. Less advertising effort is wasted on people not interested in your business.

I have mentioned those powerful reasons why viral marketing is important. Now, let me continue to share with you some of these high impact techniques that you could consider for a successful viral marketing.

1. Reprint articles
Allow people to reprint your articles on their website, in their newsletter, ebooks or any other of their publication. However, you should include your resource box and the option for article reprints at the bottom of each article.

2. Freebies
Everyone will like freebies. You could allow people to use any of your freebies as free bonuses for products or services they sell. Your ad should be included on all your freebies.

3. Free online service
If you offer any services, you might want to consider allowing people to provide your free online service to their web site, visitors, or e-zine subscribers. These services could be in the form of e-mail, e-mail consulting, search engine submissions, etc.

4. Free website
If you have the server, you should allow people to sign up for a free web site on your server. Since you are giving away free space to them, what you need to do is to require them to include your banner ad at the top of the site.

5. Free software
If you are a developer and had created various software or programme codes, you may like to give away them to the people. Just remember to include your business advertisement inside the software program.

6. Use of discussion board
If you have an online discussion board, you should always try to allow people to use yours for their own web site. However, your banner ad should be appeared at the top of the board.

7. Use of design
If you are a web or graphics designer, you could allow people to give away your free web design graphics, fonts, or templates. However, you should include your ad on them or require people to link directly to your web site.

8. Advertisement exchange
You could allow people to place an advertisement in your free ebook if, in exchange, they give away the ebook to their web visitors or e-zine subscribers.

A word of caution: Viral marketing can bring success to a business if it is used right. It could lead to disaster if it is not properly used.

Author Bios: Patrick Sia is the man behind He's a passionate believer in the power of technology to better the lives of everyone and his passion and drive are hallmarks of his attitude to doing business.

Check out more at for his step-by-step guide to startup a successful internet business.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Every entrepreneur who owns a website, wants their site to be recognized by the search engines. Search engine optimization is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines with out paying for the advertising. Exposure, and traffic to your website automatically means sales right? In most cases that is correct, however carefully choosing the right keywords allows us to get our website seen by the proper target audience.

Organizing and actively building the right keywords is not a science but a diligent task that will allow your site to achieve the best online results. If you have a home business opportunity, you would naturally assume your keyword should be home business, or work from home. Newbies, that have no mentoring or coaching, will spend time trying to optimize and link their websites to these keywords. This is a fatal mistake that will likely not have there site go very far. These keywords are heavily hit and the competition is so broad that it is very difficult to master these keywords before they will get burnt out. Even top mentors in search engine optimization understands the enormous task one is taking on with these keywords. Most will stop in their efforts before ever mastering a high ranking under these keywords.

So how does one know that there keywords are the right choice for there business, or service. There is some steps to insure that your keywords will not only target your interested group, but also give you the highest ranking possible. When starting your keywords here is some steps to adhere to:

First evaluate your opportunity or service. What type of audience do you attract currently? What type of audience do you want to attract? What makes your business successful? What makes you unique? Its sounds like a broad resource but it is not. Think about it, how are you going to attract the right type of people unless you really evaluate your business, product or service. Get into your customers mindset. Find out what your potential clients are searching for, and work your keywords accordingly.

1.) Keyword Phrases - If you are working online then you found your mentors or business through the search engine. Think about it did you type one keyword or a group of keywords. When consumers are seeking online they are narrowing there search by adding a 2 - 3 word keyword. Your keyword list should be no different. Start your list and attempt not to use one keyword when creating your list. Use a keyword phrase.

2.) Is anyone searching for your keyword - You think you have found it. The perfect keyword that is going to drive a flood of ready to buy customers to you. Not always, how sure are you that people are looking for your site. There is some great free software pieces to help you identify if your keyword is good. Do a search on the net to find a software that will assist you in seeking how many people are searching for your keyword.

3.) Competition - Great keyword, ton of hits are coming to your site. Not always.. how much competition is out there. What do you have to do to beat that top position. Research the search engines to see how you will have to build your site, and handle linking to fully beat the competition.

4.) Good Keyword Content - You want to make sure that your opportunity can have the right content to properly handle your keyword. For an example as you are writing your content make sure that your keyword makes sense. Don't throw a keyword in there and attempt to have it make sense. First and it has to be set up so that your potential clients understands it, the search engine ranking is secondary.

Search engine optimization can bring a flood of traffic and customers to you. Making sure that you have formulated the right keyword is the best start. Your keywords are where your customers will find you. Everything else you do will formulate around your keywords. Take some time and care with your list. Talk to your mentors about your choices. Once you are confident in your keywords. Continue your SEO journey.

Megan Vaillancourt
Founder Creator and Leader of The Famous Mentors 4 U Mentoring Team First Created for Passport To Wealth Members

President and Owner of Website Design Company, Megan's Creative Design offers free capture page, SEO classes, SEO management, Marketing and Advertising solutions, email campaigns. The most cost effective solution on the internet today. For a FREE consultation please call Megan at 802-285-2006 and get a chance for a FREE 10-20 page website design with SEO optimization in place. Offer good till November 15, 2007. Winner will be announced by November 17,2007.

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