Thursday, June 26, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you want to learn SEO and online marketing, you do not have to spend any money. Sure, there are great books and membership sites you can pay for. However, if you are just starting out in the SEO industry, there are many great places to find free information.

Forums are an excellent place to increase your knowledge about SEO and internet marketing. I spend a lot of time participating at Digital Point Forums. With over 20,000 active members, Digital Point has experienced webmasters who can help you on your SEO journey. Also, you can browse over 3 million posts. Use the search bar to filter this massive information.

Another great forum is Net Business Talk. Net Business Talk has topics like internet business and e-commerce. My favorite web page on Net Business Talk is their internet marketing news feeds page. This page keeps you updated with the latest content from 6 of the best internet marketing sites.

SEO blogs are a great place to learn more about SEO. Two of the most authoritative SEO blogs are SEO Book and SEO Moz. I like these two blogs because the bloggers, Aaron Wall at SEO Book and Rand Fishkin and his staff at SEO Moz, have a lot of practical SEO experience. Also, both blogs are updated often, so you can expect to learn something new every week. To keep up with the blog updates, subscribe to the respective RSS feeds.

There are also blogs about internet marketing. Two good ones are Click Newz and V7N. These two blogs are good places to keep up with the latest internet marketing news and information. Also, Jim Boykin's blog is an excellent place to learn about link building.

If you frequent the forums and blogs I've listed for a couple of weeks, you will quickly gain knowledge and skill in the SEO industry.

Learn more about Net Business Talk by visiting my online marketing information webpage on Squidoo. Also, check out my internet marketing blog which includes a post about link building.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

An article marketing bio box is the space at the end of your article where you promote your product or service, if done correctly your users should want to click on you're the link in this box and visit your website.

The idea here is to give your reader or user a good reason why they should visit your website.

A Google Pay Per Click ad is an ad that comes up when a user does a search for a keyword that you are bidding on. Your ad will show up with all the other ads that are bidding on that same keyword.

The idea is the same with this ad, your ad should be compelling enough so that the searcher ignores all the other ads and clicks on your ad.

Both the article bio box and the Google pay per click ad serve the same purpose; you can use a PPC ad to improve your article marketing bio box. I know your next question is how? What you want to do is type in a keyword into Google that your prospect will type in to find your product or service.

Look at the ads that come, which ones catches your eye first? Do you want to click on it and learn more? That's the answer to your question. If a particular ad attracts you out of the ones that show up, ask your self why that one?

Whats so special about that ad. Once you answer that question, you want to use the attractive elements of that ad to create and ad for your bio box in your article. Remember to test your new ad against the one you already have in your bio box.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing success is directly proportional to your online business. And to become real time successful out there, you certainly have to take extreme care on how you design your content. Remember, that those who underplay with the content part have already lost enough time and money. Guys, over the gruesome Internet world time are money. You count on every second, and every second gives you some monetary gains.

I list below some of worth noticing tips for making Article marketing success a dream come true over the Internet.

  • As I said earlier, content is the monarch and you have to every reason to give it your due consideration. Make the content dynamic in those business centric articles. Once you do that, you'll surely earn the fruits.
  • Keep the text as crisp and direct as possible. Since, most of the online traffic is not there for judging your creativity. They are surfing with a latent mission, to do business and earn money in minutes. Therefore, if you convey what you want to say in least possible words, you have already made partial success.
  • Mobilize the quality traffic to your business website. Through the postings in popular web directories and giving the links below in the articles, you can direct the prospective audience into real business yielding clients.
  • Article marketing success entails use of innovative content management system as well as niche blog posting tools. Some of these tools such as Plone, CMS made simple, Mambo etc. have the awesome potential to turn your online business into a high success rate.
  • Submit your content in the right and popular web directories. Many times, online marketers are in great hurry and submit the text in wrong directories. As the result the motive is not solved, leading to wastage of resources. What's more, you can go ahead and employ professional marketing services.
These and many give you the first hand information about the online article marketing success. Remember, in the Internet marketing, strategy always works to your benefit, if you have all the tools in place.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There's a reason why the top income earners from article marketing are able to do what they do - they have the willpower. They have the motivation to write 5-10 articles a day and submit them diligently to article directories. They have a system that they use almost every day to build their business, whether they are promoting their blogs, their sales pages or their lead capture pages.

If you want to make it with articles, you have to got to have this willpower. Let's face it, many of us write a few articles and then we stop. The main reason is because we don't see any results from these few articles. Well I'm here to tell you that this form of marketing is a long-term strategy. But when this strategy is in place, boy will you receive tons of traffic!

Whenever you feel bored or disinterested in writing the articles (when you know you should be), motivate yourself. Do it with music, or think of your goals. Do you really want to quit the rat race? Do you want that car you are eying? Then take massive action. Now.

Go and write those articles because while you are waiting around doing nothing, others are churning out articles left, right and center and absolutely dominating their marketplace. They are making affiliate sales, capturing leads or selling their products in abundance. Simply because they possess that willpower.

If you want to make the money you know you should have, then stick with a strategy and work it for at least a few months. You know article marketing is a long-term strategy, so take long-term, consistent action.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a specialized job that can do wonders for a website. There are scores of expert SEO professionals with impeccable understanding of the entire SEO process, who can really help promote your website to a great extent.

However, there are some recurrent simple mistakes which render an SEO process useless even after all the efforts put in. A check list is an excellent idea of ensuring that these mistakes are avoided.

Using a keyword research tool is a good idea. These tools, with there huge database of targeted keywords help at finding the most appropriate set of keywords and key phrases.

Try to allocate each page for a particular keyword or a keyword phrase. These act as the primary keyword or primary key phrases. Once this is done, secondary keywords or key phrases can be used in the remaining part of the page.

Insist on your website being linked in a user friendly manner. Make sure that all the pages of your website are accessible through simple links.

Try to avoid fancy graphics to link all the pages of your website. Instead, use texts in an optimized manner. This will help with your Keyword count.

Be extra cautious when adding links. For example, if you add a link to a page where the primary key phrase is Search Engine submission, ensure that the links to the page contains the same phrase, i.e. Search Engine Submission.

A sitemap is a must. Search engines prefer scanning or indexing the sitemap since it serves as an easy gateway to your entire website.

Make your website content rich. Try to add sufficient SEO friendly content and articles that correspond to the main theme of your website. Add links from these articles to the relevant pages of the website.

Go for an effective link exchange program. This means exchanging links of your website with other websites those are catering to the same industry but are not your competitors. Again, watch out for irrelevant links. Irrelevant links can be detrimental to your website and you risk your website being banned by search engines.

Anirban Bhattacharya is a no-nonsense journalist/editor in the field of Internet Marketing and internet business as a whole. He has written and published over 300 articles and press releases for various websites, helping the relevant readers to draw the excellent benefits and opportunities offered by online marketing. The articles are a result of the knowledge he has drawn after performing a comprehensive research on promotional marketing and branding through Yahoo, Google, and MSN. To have a look at other research based articles written by Anirban Bhattacharya please visit SynapseInteractive.