Friday, June 27, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing remains to be the best way to draw qualified traffic to your website and effectively convince your target market that you are an authority on your chosen niche who can provide them with sound solutions to their problems.

Here are the 3 proven ways to supercharge you article marketing:

1. Generate attention for your articles by giving them compelling and striking titles. As a marketer, you need to fully understand the role of effective titles on your article marketing campaign. As you know, there are billions of articles that are currently posted online. When people search for information they need, they are usually presented with numerous articles. You would want to give your articles an edge so online users will favor them over the other articles, right? You can make your articles more attractive by giving them attention-grabbing and enticing titles.

2. Know how to keep your readers interested. Grabbing the attention of your potential clients doesn't end with your titles. You have to make sure that your content is worth reading and informative so your readers will be enticed to read your articles in their entirety. Strive to make each of your articles content-rich, well-written, easy to understand, short, scannable, direct to the point, and fact-based. By doing so, you will be able to provide your readers with great reading experience that can lead to continued patronage of your other articles and subsequently your products.

3. Make a strong call to action. What would you like your readers to do after reading your articles? Do you want them to visit your website, subscribe to your email marketing list, or purchase your products? Whatever is your objective, make sure that your call to action is powerful enough to move your readers to act in your favor.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Press releases have some unique characteristics that can contribute to an increase in search engine positioning for your site. They are similar in many ways to pages that use search engine copywriting techniques. They have a narrow focus, include copy that deals with one specific topic, incorporate the use of key phrases and use keyword-rich headlines. Usually, people either do not like or do not have the time to read poorly written content. Therefore, when you are writing an optimised press release, it is essential that you write with concise language, correct grammar and credibility. Besides increasing readership, you will make the search engines very happy, which is exactly what you are looking for!

Press releases incorporate each of the elements used with good search engine copywriting, which make them the perfect addition to your site. Because search engine spiders follow links, you will have to open a door from your home page to the section of your site that houses the press releases so your web pages displaying the releases will be picked by the Search Engines.

As well as adding Press releases to your site, you should consider posting them to specific press releases websites.

Newsworthy press releases that are optimised with keyword-rich content are invaluable to your business. If properly optimised, press releases add the potential for increased traffic to your site from clients searching for your product and business, provide improved rankings overall and in News search engines, and increase your chances of additional press. They may even enhance backlinks (also called inbound links) to you website. Press releases also increase your brand awareness.

Another use of press releases is linked with inbound links and link building. When you submit your press releases to those websites, think of leaving your URL somewhere and even better, add some anchor text links in your press release on target keywords that would link back to your site, thus helping your site to achieve better positions and get more traffic.

Romain works for White Hat Media, a good SEO company providing link building, keyword research and more Search Engine Marketing services.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Link building explained in simple term means spreading word about your business on the web. On the web, the more you are visible the more popular your business will be. To become popular on the World Wide Web, you will have to make use of different strategies. The number of links that you create through link building on the web will enable search engines to give your site higher rankings. Link building service is one of the components of search engine optimization service that one can use for popularizing their business on the web.

Link building is one aspect of search engine optimization that can turn out to be the crucial factor for either the success or the failure of a search engine optimization campaign. Not everyone would be interested in doing link building manually as this is a time consuming and tiring job. But this is an important aspect of search engine optimization and needs to be done at every cost. What you can do is get an outsider company also called a third party to do the link building work for you.

There are several companies and firms that provide link building services to clients based on their requirements. Getting link building services from outside will be a great boon for your business. You may not be aware of this, but doing link building dedicatedly can work wonders to your online business. To get hold of good companies that provide link building service is not a difficult task at all, if you know how to go about it.

Word of the mouth is as good as recommending something to another person. So talk around and find out if any one you know whether it is family, friends or neighbors. If they have used link building services earlier, they will surely guide you in getting the work done in the best possible manner. You can approach the company which has done the work for them and find out if they will be able to do the work for you or not.

Remember every business is different and thus promotion means are also different. So do not think that just because a particular link building strategy has worked for your friend does not mean that this will work for you as well. Talk with the professionals who will provide link building service to you and find out which strategy will best suit your business.

Hiring link building services from a third party will benefit your business in many ways. First, you will get professional services for your business. All link building service providing companies give customized services to clients. So you can have a talk with the professionals and tell them exactly what type of link building services you require for your business.

Link building services has been preferred by several companies because this is one method in online marketing that can be done without investing a huge sum. Link building does not need one to be technically very highly qualified. An individual with basic computer knowledge can do the work for you and this is the reason why link building service offered by companies will not cost you a fortune.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization,Affiliated Marketing, Link Building Service and Social media optimization.To get his expert advice for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the great uses of article marketing is that of creating credibility. You see, when you write articles and submit them to multiple article directories online, they not only are posted on the article directories themselves, but are also posted on the many niche web sites that use articles as content.

Ask yourself this: if you were thinking about hiring one of two people to do work for you, or to learn from, and you were to google their name, and one of the people showed over 10,000 results, mostly articles and reviews about that person, and the other person showed less than 100 references to their name or site, which would you feel is more credible?

If you are like me, you probably would rather work with the person who has over 10,000 web sites referencing him or her, than work with the person with less than 100.

One of the great things about article marketing is that it can very quickly build up massive numbers of links and references to you and your web site, giving you the quick advantage of perceived credibility.

So how do you do it?

Here is my 3 step plan for building credibility online:

1) Write articles on your niche topic

2) Put links in your articles that go back to your web site

3) Submit the articles to as many article directories as possible (I currently submit my articles to a list of about 150 article directories).

By following this 3 step system, you will very quickly gain credibility online, and position yourself to receive some of the business your competitors are currently receiving.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing When Writing Your Articles - Article Marketing Strategy

Many people are familiar with article marketing and realize that it is necessary to theme each article on a particular longtail keyword phrase. Once you are proficient at doing this, you can pull a steady stream of traffic into your website. Is it possible, however, that you are overdoing this particular method?

One of the things that you do not want to do in your article marketing efforts is to stuff your articles with keywords. Not only will you have a difficult time in getting them accepted into, you may actually not rank as well on Google. This is because the search engines have filters in place to recognize when you are trying to rank for one particular keyword phrase. They would, in turn, not give you the benefit of ranking for that phrase.

This has especially become the case since latent semantic indexing, or LSI has come onto the scene. In a nutshell, this is a method that the search engines use in order to find out what your particular website theme is by using related keywords. That is why it is often better to write your articles in a natural fashion and only include your keyword phrase whenever it fits in well.

Once you realize that you can write the articles in a more natural fashion, they actually become easier to complete. Many people struggle to fit in their keyword phrase a particular number of times during their article marketing efforts. Relax your writing a little and you will find that the traffic will begin to flow a little heavier.

Do you want to take your list building to the next level? Get my free report "The Money Really Is In The List." In addition to receiving my $49 report for free, you will get free access to Tyler's List Building Club and routinely receive strategies and tactics for building a powerful list.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The main objective of every business is to grow and keep on profiting. Besides, what kind of entrepreneur would want to see their businesses fail? Although business has its risks, you, as an entrepreneur should know that you need to take risks in order for your business to flourish.

However, you also would never want to take too much risk on your business. This is why in all kinds of businesses, you always plan, plan and plan some more before you make a move.

As an entrepreneur you should have a written guideline for you to start your business's marketing strategy. The guidelines are used by your business to judge your business's actions accordingly.

A good marketing strategy should have the following goals in order to create a good marketing plan:

- Competitor
- Description of key clients
- Reasons why your product is unique
- Distribution channels
- Price strategy
- Research and development
- Expenses
- Marketing segments the company will compete in

With all of these included in your marketing strategy, you can be sure that you can really pave the road to success for your business.

Think of marketing strategy as a compass where it will guide your business to the right path. Having this kind of "compass" will make it clearer for you on what actions to take if you encounter an obstacle in your business's path.

Decision-making is also the key in every business. With a marketing strategy, you will find that it will be easier for you to make a decision when it comes to leading your company to success. It will also help you prevent making the wrong decision.

Another advantage that a marketing strategy can provide is that you can set specific goals for your company. Whether it's a short-term goal or a long-term goal, a marketing strategy will make it easier for you to set goals that can affect the way you run your business.

Depending on the situation, you can try different types of marketing strategies that will tailor your business's needs. Here are some examples of the different types of marketing strategy:

- Market dominance strategy - This kind of strategy is used by companies to take control of a particular business.

- Innovation strategy - This strategy deals with the company's rate of new product development and also innovation.

- Growth strategy - This marketing strategy is formulated to make the company grow.

- Warfare based strategies - A business competition is always there. And, sometimes your company needs to be aggressive to attack the competition or defensive to protect your company from losing profit.

These are some of the strategies that you can use in order to maximize business profit and minimize loss. Sometimes, it will be necessary for you to change your marketing strategy to cope up with the changes in the business world, such as new competitions, new technology or falling client numbers and profits.

So, depending on the situation, you should always plan on what kind of marketing strategy you should use for the benefit of the company. Running a business isn't always smooth. There will be times that your business will be in danger of losing money or have decreased profit. Because of the ever-changing situation in the business world, you need to think of a marketing strategy to minimize risk and maximize profit.

Ross Lincoln makes it quicker and easier for you to create profitable business ideas, develop your marketing strategy or start brainstorming on any topic. For a free trial of the ultimate innovation software, please visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There is so much to learn about the complicated business of Internet marketing. How to build websites, understanding search engine optimisation, auto responders and emails are all a part of it. You have to find your niche, carry out your market research, devise your product and just when you think you are on the road to success, another tool or system you just cannot do without comes along. You then watch even more hours of high powered videos, read at least another 150 pages of instructions, and making the necessary adjustments, you rewrite your blueprint.

When you log on to your computer, there are numerous incoming emails, all of which herald the newest and best in internet marketing. Watch your opposition, purchase these private label rights and remember to listen in to the most recent over hyped teleconference with a couple of self proclaimed gurus, hardly managing to disguise the slapping of each others backs, whilst selling some overpriced piece of information which is not likely to be any different from what you have already heard a few months ago.

Did it ever enter your mind that this may be a cleverly put together plan in order to confuse potential marketers. It may, of course, not be, but it does plant the seeds of total confusion into the minds of those not completely focused.

Your email in box can prove to be a huge distraction to you, slowing down your process of getting on with what you are doing and achieving success in internet marketing. The best plan of action is to limit the number of emails you actually read. Be ruthless and unsubscribe from all but your favorite newsletters. Even though you probably enjoy reading all the emails and seeing what they have to offer, they are taking up valuable time and steering you away from your immediate goal.

This way you can focus on the aspect of internet marketing which appeals to you the most. Get one idea up and running and then expand to your next project in a natural way that will compliment your initial interest. It is best to keep to the blueprint whenever possible, but without totally closing your ears and eyes to what else is occurring in the internet marketing world.

Concentrate and focus on making some money by achieving your goals, one at a time without hopping from one thing to another. If you have the need, join a good mentoring program. Once you have reached your initial objective and things are going well, you are then free to seek new ways to improve and perfect your business.

Discover Kevin Sinclair's system for making profits regardless of whether anyone joins your network marketing business.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

So, you finally got a website out into cyberspace and you're ready to start getting some traffic and closing some deals. It's a well known fact that just because you have a website, doesn't mean you're going to get visitors, no matter how pretty your site is. You NEED search engine optimization services unless you want to spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars a month on services like AdWords, Google's sponsored listings. Getting your website noticed and recognized in the search engines is vital if you want to be successful online.

But, where do you start? What do you look for in a Colorado SEO company? Most search engine optimization companies offer basically the same services, the differences only become apparent when you start talking about pricing. There are plenty of search engine optimization companies out there who charge upwards of 7 to 8 THOUSAND dollars for their services. The thing is, when it comes to the search engines, there are never any guarantees. Noone can guarantee they are going to get your site to be #1 in Google, Yahoo, or MSN. So, is it really worth spending that much money to have your site optimized? Maybe.... but probably not.

Always ask for an itemized invoice for work that has, or will be performed. Get a couple of different quotes and compare them. Don't assume that just because a company costs more that they are better.. that is NOT always the case. There are a lot of smaller SEO companies and independent contractors that will do the work for a lot less money than some of the bigger companies, and they'll do the same work.

Be sure to ask questions. The more you understand about what services are going to be performed, the easier it will be for you to evaluate your options.

It's a fact that you should have your site optimized if you want to compete in todays online market. Do your research and find the company that best suits your needs for the money you're going to be paying.

Best of luck!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Creating a high ticket product is fairly risking as you stand the chances of not being able to sell your offerings. However, with thousands of giant companies in the internet today that are constantly looking for products and services that can potentially help them in either augmenting their sales or making their personnel more competent, any entrepreneur must take advantage of this opportunity to generate more revenue.

Here are the 3 fresh secrets to explode your high ticket product creation:

1. Do a market research. What do your target market need? Do they need teleseminars, advanced coaching programs, workshops, advanced coaching course to empower their employees or subordinates to learn more about their processes and perform better? The more you know about the needs of your target market, the more effective you will become in creating high-ticket product that will meet their needs.

2. Marketability. Before you sink your teeth into creating a new product, you must know first how your target market will respond to it. Is the tag price matches the value that your product can offer? Will your new product or new service offering fit the demands of your target market? What is the buying power of your potential clients? Will they be willing to shell out huge amount of money in exchange of your offering? You need to find out the demands and marketability of your products to guarantee your ROI.

3. Resources. In any product creation endeavor, you need to make sure that all the resources you will need (personnell, budget, equipment, tools, etc.) are immediately available to ensure that you will be able to deliver high quality products. This will eliminate any unnecessary delays and ensure smooth operation so you can beat your projected deadline.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you have a website, it's crucial that you get it noticed so that people can find it and thus buy your product or service. Now, of course, you can pay for advertising, but the best way to get traffic to come to your site is to have the search engines recognize you and rank you highly in search results. One of the ways you can do this is to build backlinks. One of the best ways to build backlinks organically is to use Web 2.0, or social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking is basically the web redefined, organized by users. The most popular sites are "bookmarked" online, which means they get many more visitors because they're so much more visible both in the search engines and on the bookmarking sites themselves. With social bookmarking, you can go online to sites such as and not only save your favorite bookmarks there (similar to saving bookmarks on your own computer, but this is a website), but you can swap, share, and see what other users are marking is their favorite places, so you can visit, too.

This means that social bookmarking is a great way to get your site noticed. How do you use social bookmarking to increase the number of backlinks to your site and therefore increase traffic to your own site, though?

One of the best ways to increase traffic to your site through social bookmarking and therefore get backlinks is to write articles. In the article itself, of course, you include a link to your website at the end. That way, when readers finish reading your article, they'll also likely click on your website to go see what it's all about.

Then, you post those articles to social bookmarking sites such as,, and, as well as the aforementioned Technorati. These articles should have several things in common. With them, you should:

Write something readers really want to read, and make it fresh and original

Simply "spinning" articles really doesn't do it, nor does posting old articles from other sites. You need to write your own fresh, original content that readers really want to read, on a subject you are really knowledgeable about. If you play your cards right, this will fit right in with your website content and product or service, because of course, you should be an expert about that, too.

Have catchy headlines, so that readers are sure to click on your article because your headline caught their attention

This is pretty self-explanatory, but if your title doesn't catch someone's attention, they'll never read your article.

Your first paragraph should be killer

Again, similar to the headline, you want to catch and hold the reader's interest, so that he or she will want to read the rest of the article, too.

Make the entire article count

Your reputation is going to go downhill fast if people associate you with articles that have catchy headlines and great first paragraphs, but then have just "filler" content for the rest. Again, you can't skimp here. You have to write articles that people will really want to read and find valuable. If they like what you have to say, they'll not only bookmark it for themselves, but they'll pass it on to friends as well, which in turn will create more backlinks to your site.

Make it easy for people to bookmark you

Include a way for people to bookmark your article as a favorite, so that it shows up on the front pages of all of the social bookmarking sites. In just a little bit of time, you can have literally 20,000 hits or better to your website a day, which of course increases traffic and therefore sales for you.

Another thing that may happen is that if your articles truly are fresh content and a good read, sometimes even bloggers can start blogging about your articles, which in turn mentions your website and creates more backlinks.

In short, getting backlinks is pretty easy to do, as long as you do so honestly and truly want to provide good content and a good product or service as well. Of course, your products or services, too, will create backlinks as long as what you provide is quality. First, you have to get people to go to your website, and the articles will do this for you. Then, your products or services can create their own buzz, which in turn creates more backlinks, which in turn creates more traffic, which in turn creates more sales.

You see? Social bookmarking is relatively simple, as long as you keep it honest and work to provide a good product and service, as well as good articles, which will help keep you on top of the search engines' favorites list.

Building back links to your site is the most important thing you need to do to get traffic. For more information visit Internet Marketing Bytes.

Article Marketing - Some Tips To Newbies

Now-a-days, though Article Marketing has become one of the best ways of earning money online, many people have their own inhibitions on how true is it. But it is undoubtedly true that it can earn you huge profits. Writing articles and marketing them online is not a rocket science. Though it is a undoubted truth that article marketing can earn you profits, there are certain very crucial steps that are to be given importance for this to happen. Let us see what they are.

Article marketing is the most popular and also highly cost effective strategies of online marketing. There is no need of a huge investment to start with this. But one important effort or investment that is needed here is the quality of the article that you write. If you write quality articles and post them in different search engines or websites and create links to your website, then you surely generate huge traffic. Traffic in terms of internet means more money.

As already quoted above, quality content leads to generation of huge traffic to your website. This traffic can be made use to sell products or to create social networks or even help in building mail lists of prospective customers and thereby make money through e-mail marketing or affiliate marketing.

Once you are comfortable in writing quality articles and generate good amount of traffic to your website, it is more obvious that the popularity of your website has gone up rapidly. Now you can easily make more money by selling web space to advertisers or charge upon the other links in your website.

Now it is more or less clear that Article marketing can be a great money making strategy to you. But remember, you do not compromise on the quality factor while writing articles.

Status Infotech are pioneer in Content Writing Services since past 3 years. We provide Search Engine Friendly Articles at Lowest Rates.

We are team of Professional Writers Providing Our Services for All your writing needs. We have provided more than 5000 articles with more than 100 satisfied clients. Below is a short glance of some of our writing services.
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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I got a lead through our website the other day with an interesting comment attached. The prospect was requesting specific information on pricing for our services but as you can read below, they simply copied the information from what another SEO provided them.

I am just starting an internet business and I am looking for the following services. Please let me know if these are services you can provide and if so an estimated cost. Thanks

1. Website Analysis to check the current status of your website.
2. Meta analysis and recreation of clients tags and keywords.
3. Link popularity program - Increase the amount of pages that link to you.
4. Automated Submissions to 1090 search engines for site indexing twice a month.
5. Manual Submissions to the search engines that don't accept automated submissions.
6. Submissions Report on the 1st and 15th of each month showing the progress of the website. "upon request"
7. We build you a Site Map for your website which helps all of your pages to be indexed into the search engines. The site map will also be submitted to 1090 search engines for site indexing twice a month.

My first response was to simply hit the delete button. If these guys were looking at a $20 junk SEO service then they were not going to be anywhere in the ballpark for the professional search engine marketing services we provide.

I could go through this line by line and pick it apart, but I won't simply because it's already obvious to anybody who knows anything about true optimization. Suffice to say for those who don't, that almost all of the "services" mentioned above range from mostly useless to completely useless. Link building is important, but without knowing more about their methodology, there is no way to know if there is value in that service. I suspect not, based on their "submissions to 1090 search engines." That's a service that is not even worth the digital space it takes up to be able to read it. It's clear that this is not an SEO that knows anything about what SEO really is.

Unfortunately, there are far too many of these faux SEO providers out there. The knowledge of these SEOs differ, some know enough to talk a good game, others know enough, or are good enough salespeople, to be able to sell a sham service. In either case, these are the SEOs that give the industry a bad name.

I went ahead and called this prospect and I'm glad I did. No, I wasn't able to sell them our service and hadn't expected too, but I may have prevented yet another business owner from being turned off to the SEO industry as a whole. What I was also able to do was to provide some education as to what they can and should do now and later in regards to promoting their website properly.

The bottom line for them was they didn't have a lot of money to invest in promotion. Now, frankly, I think anybody who thinks they have a strong business idea needs to do whatever they can to secure the financing necessary to market their website properly. But it's also true that there are many things that can be done to get your business model working with little or no cash.

Since this no-longer-a-prospect's website was new I mentioned to her that new sites almost always take a long period of time to start ranking well. She can get on Yahoo and MSN relatively quickly in some cases but with Google, it will be a long road. What she needs to do now is to generate some exposure. Paid ads are the quickest and easiest way to do this.

I have also suggested paid ads to other potential prospects that were unsure whether or not they had a viable business model. First of all, unless you are sure, it is probably best not to pour money into expensive, long-term contracts. Paid ads via Google and Yahoo are an ideal means to start producing traffic to your site and see if your business model (and website) works. If not, change the model or pack it in.

If you have a good business model, the exposure you gain from Google and Yahoo through paid ads will not only start producing income (if not a profit) but will also start getting people to your site. The more people that see it and like it, the more likely you are to start generating some natural links. Links are the first step in the process of getting search engines to your site to build search engine rankings.

Another thing I told her she could do is to write and submit articles to article banks. If well-written and informative, these articles will likely be re-distributed on a number of websites, and if you create a good bio, they'll link to your site as well. Those who read the article may visit the site and those who visit the site may link to it, creating even more incoming links.

Do this for six to twelve months and you now have site that has "aged" enough that a professional optimization campaign will be able to achieve some good rankings. It may take significantly longer to rank well for competitive phrases, but you should be able to target and rank well for enough keywords to produce an additional stream of targeted traffic, thereby boosting sales.

With any business, research is the key. One in ten businesses fails (online and off), largely because of a lack of funds and lack of research. If you are undercapitalized, research is even more important because this will help you make wise decisions as to where you put your money. It will also educate you enough to be able to identify which services are scams and which are legitimate.

I provided this prospect some knowledge that I hope will help guide her to build a successful business. And, since I was honest, willing and able to provide this information, who knows... maybe she will become a client at some point in the future.

Read this article and more at the E-Marketing Performance Blog. Stoney deGeyter is president of Pole Position Marketing a search optimization marketing firm providing SEO and website marketing services since 1998. Stoney is also a part-time instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College, as well as a moderator in the Small Business Ideas Forum. He is the author of hisE-Marketing Performance eBook.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are a lot of operators (commands you can enter in the Google search box to return specific results) you can plug into Google in order to find what you want. For webmasters and website owners, however, a few particular operators can be especially useful. Operators can be used to locate potential link partners, evaluate current inbound links, and determine what pages of your website still need to be added to the index. Here are the operators we think you should know:


Simply enter this operator followed by your full url (including http://) with no space. Ex: link:

This operator is one of the most popular and widely used. It simply shows you what (and how many) webpages within the index have a link to your url.

Using this operator, you can also plug in the url of your competitor(s) to see what sites link to them. These websites may be a good place to start in your search for link exchanges (or even one-way links).


This operator will restrict all results to webpages within the domain or website you enter. For example, if you enter you will find all of the webpages of this site that are listed on Google. This a good operator to use if you want to see just how many webpages of your site Google has indexed, and likewise, how many pages are not listed - the ones you may want to submit, or resubmit, to Google.


Here you enter the operator and some keyword that you are interested in. The results will show you websites and webpages that have that keyword(s) in their title. For example, intitle:google will return all sites that have google in their title, including Google Advisor. This may be used to once again find link partners within your subject area, and to evaluate possible competitors.

Similarly, you can also use intitle: if you want to do a similar search, but open your results to those webpages with the keywords in their content as well . For instance, intitle:google advisor would give you all sites with google in the title and advisor somewhere on the webpage.


This operator is not terribly useful, but its interesting to see what you find. Simply place your url in front of the operator like to get a Google page with your website title and desciption. The page will also contain links to your website's cache, related websites (you can also use the related: operator for this), and more. If your website is new to the index, and you are not appearing for any keywords yet, this is an easy way to find your website and confirm that it is indeed listed. Note: some operators like related: will not work for new websites.

To obtain the full list of operators, visit:

We hope these few operators mentioned above will be of the most use to you as a webmaster or website owner.

Bradley James is the Webmaster of [], an informational site providing free information to casual searchers and Webmasters about the Google search engine.

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Do you know how to write a really bad resource box for your articles? Well you will after reading and using this article.

Bad resource box tips

As an article writing and marketing coach I've seen some pretty bad resource boxes. Here are a few tips so you too can write a really bad resource box.

Tip 1 -- no resource box -- believe it or not I've seen people leave the resource box blank. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Solution -- at least get something in there.

Tip 2 -- your virtual ego wall -- write down every accomplishment you've ever made. List your degrees, books written, and how much your parents really like you.

Solution -- the resource box is not about you. A great resource box is all about the reader and what's in it for them.

Tip 3 -- convince the reader you are an expert -- talk about all your years experience and how you are in the expert in this area.

Solution -- if you have not convinced the reader that you are an expert in your article, it's way too late to do it now. Again, resource box is not about you it's about your reader.

Tip 4 -- do not ask the reader to do anything. I fail to take someone who has just read information from you and invite them to do anything else at all.

Solution -- create compelling call to action that takes the reader by the hand and not only asks them shows them what to do next.

Tip 5 -- do not include any active links back to your website or blog. Treat the reader like someone watching the final episode of the Sopranos and just leave them hanging.

Solution -- include at least one active link back to your website or blog so the reader can engage you further.

Follow these tips and you too can create bad resource box is when writing your articles.

Thanks for playing with me in this article. Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

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From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy